Slaves of their words

Day 909, 01:11 Published in Romania Spain by Ramso">" />

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We all know EDEN and Phoenix, and sometimes we can hear about Entente, also known as Batman, a “supposed” neutral alliance formed by France, Italy, Ukraine, Mexico ,Paraguay and the recently joined Venezuela. Yes, France and Italy aren’t Phoenix …well, yes they are, hipocresy to the max.">" />

This weekend we have seen how Serbia swapped whole Bulgary, “waste of gold inside”, to free it from the war versus Rumany. While this was done, Ukraine was blocking Rumany. And there I wanted to arrive, what the hell is Ukraine doing.

Looking into the past and in Entente’s archives (if a couple of articles can be named archive) it can be found some nice quotes:

“As our Chart states, our members can be friends with any country they choose and can participate in any military campaign they may wish to unless such campaign directly harms one of our members”
“”. .. for example. Ukraine, in its turn, can be seen as being more pro-EDEN”

“I would like to personnally thanks Phoenix for their help in the war for freedom of France.
However, I wish to assure EDEN countries that we're not against them. We're not their enemies
The Entente is a neutral alliance, it is not more pro-Phoenix than pro-EDEN. Two of your members invaded one of ours, and we'll fight against them until France has got all its regions back, that's it

Imagine an hypothetical situation: Hungary attacks Ukraine. Do someone really believe that France would offer any opposition to Phoenix after being helped all this time by them?
An alliance based in neutrality that leaves their members freedom to participate in a world conflict can only be qualified as a masquerade. Entente is an error due to its own values. The excuse of freeing France is a joke. France invaded Spain first and now they come with victimism. If Entente will fight versus EDEN until France receives their territories, then Entente will fight forever versus EDEN.

“The ultimate goal of the Entente is to become a "shelter" for countries who cares about their freedom and don't feel like joining any of the blocs">" />

They are only Slaves and puppets of Phoenix. Entente is an instrument based on a kind and friendly presentation to attract countries for the bird alliance with France leading the masquerade. Venezuela, If you are looking for neutrality, wrong way.

The funny thing is that some months ago Ukraine was supposed to be close to join EDEN. What happened? Dunno, they had enough time to do it and im still waiting. Maybe fear of Hungary. Maybe they thought Hungary could try to take their high Iron and thats why they sign mpps with Phoenix. This month Ukraine is supposed to break a "Phoenix TO". TO - High iron - Hungary without iron... and Ukraine still holds the Iron? If Ukranie is under Phoenix TO, why Entente stills colaborates with Phoenix?Something doesn't fit here.

Ukraine has a high Iron región. Rumany doesn’t.
What do we do, lovely Ukraine?">" />

You didn't vote. Watch out, maybe you could break your finger....">" />
Auf wiedersehen! Ramso.">