Slade Steel For Colorado Congress

Day 669, 00:14 Published in USA USA by Slade Steel

My name is Slade Steel and I’m a proud member of the Libertarian Party. I am asking for your vote in the upcoming congressional elections in the great state of Colorado as I have the utmost confidence that your military will successfully defend it.

The responsibility of voting proposals presented by our President, as well as changes to tax laws, citizen fees, monetary policy, and the minimum wage is an extremely important duty. The consequences of these decisions affect everyone in our nation for better or worse.

As your congressman, I promise to act as a true representative for the people of Colorado. For each decision I am burdened to make. I will critically analyze the benefits and shortcomings. I will provide a public communication channel for the people of Colorado to get involved in the decision making process through open debate of every proposal and decision on the table. This will allow me to share my recommendations to the people and vice versa.

Although a young citizen to the New World, my real world experience beyond a shadow of a doubt qualifies me to hold the position of congressman. I’m an eight year veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces where I served in various Special Operations and Infantry units. I hold a B.S.Degree in Information Technology Management, I’m a successful business owner, loving father, and dedicated gamer. I am a man of passion, integrity, and character. Most importantly, I am not a yes man and I will always stand up to represent what I and the people of believe to be fair and just.

Let it be known that I do support our current administration as I believe they are doing the best job possible given the current circumstances. We have been enduring a painful attack on multiple fronts for weeks now. That said, I do see light at the end of the tunnel. With that, I would like to present my fundamental platform.

Tax policies during war time

I think it’s safe to say that no of us are happy with our current income tax rate of 20%. However, to put it into perspective, our nation which now stands at 33 regions was down to only a handful.

American lost important tax revenue because the majority of our businesses halted operations. As a result employees lost their jobs, and the government could not bring in enough tax revenue to effectively fund defensive operations against our attackers.

Rest assured that once our economy stabilizes and our borders are secure, I will do my part to ensure we lower taxes to promote economic growth and ensure more of your money stays in your pocket.

I am support of developing solid alliances (aka MPP’s) with as many foreign nations as possible. Without the support of the nations of the world, our ability to defend our homeland and our allies is greatly diminished. Simply stated, more allies = more damage and a better fighting advantage for our country and allies.

Defending America during a Time of War

We are all loyal to our country and our home state, however, during this time of war it is very important that all citizens move to Florida to most effectively defend our borders. Let me be clear that you can still defend your home state from there. Florida houses the only Q5 hospital and will provide you with the best medical attention available to maximize your wellness and damage during battles.

I encourage everyone to join the Military for this reason. Our military is organized in a manner to efficiently attack and defend our country. I often see citizens fighting in regions that are of less importance in strategic value, thus wasting valuable war resources and in some cases important regions. Another advantage of being a member of the eUS military is that you will often be supplied with weapons to aid you in battle thus allowing you to do more damage and increase your rank.

Citizen Assistance Programs

I believe it is important to reach out to new American Citizens as many of them lose interest without before reaching a level where they can actively participate and an help our country grow stronger. It is our duty to provide guidance, mentorship, and basic assistance to ensure our new citizens. I am in favor of "effective and efficient" government funded programs that provide this. Although it may be difficult to secure government funding during a time of war, I believe we must find a way because now is when we need everyone's help!

In Closing

I would like to thank you for taking a moment of your time to hear my words and humbly ask for your vote in the congressional elections.