SJZ for Wales Congress Seat, July 2010

Day 974, 09:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sfeir Jahangir Zsharri

Sfeir Jahangir Zsharri here with another Congressional election manifesto.


Having served my second term as MP for Wales as a People's Communist Party member, I have been given the oportunity to take on more responsibilities while maintaining my role as a representative of public opinion within the context of the big changes of V2.

Congress & Jobs

I have continued to serve the eCymry faithfully this month as a member actively contributing to the debates in the Public Discussion and House of Commons forums. If anyone is not aware of the external eUK forums, that is where the majority of interaction between players within eRep takes place outside the game. Click here to visit. As with last month, I debated on nearly every issue that I had any knowledge about, and I maintain an excellent voting record. If you vote for me, you are sure to get an active and dedicated Congressman.

Specifically an issue that is relevant to the people of eWales cropped up in Public Discussion. This was concerning the possible abandonment of the Fortress London policy. While I have always stood by Fortress London, and maintained that Wales can thrive as a region with a sense of identity within London, with the coming of V2 and the changes to the military module and the way hospitals worked me and others from the eWales forum were sure we would be able to move back. Unfortunately, despite vigorous debate in Public Discussion, the idea of "Recolonisation" proposed by Jhorlin has been officially dropped and the government will not be sponsoring an exodus to the outer regions. Now it is up to personal choice whether to move from London or not. I have made my decision; I am now a firm resident of Wales and will fight to defend the valleys. \o/

Last month there was a big hoo-hah when the Minister of Legislative Affairs (MoLA), bowen199, proposed forcing all MPs to apply for ministerial jobs. The notion was shot down, and because I supported it in the debate I felt obliged this month to apply for a governmental position in addition to my congressional job. And so I have also taken on the responsibility of a Congressional Legislative Officer (CLO) within the MoLA. On a day to day basis I deal with the process of citizenship applications of foreign nationals to the eUK government. I plan to continue to work hard in eUK governmental jobs in order to demonstrate my dedication to the people of the eUK, whether or not I am re-elected as an MP.

PCP, Communes, and V2

Ever since I joined eRepublik almost a year ago I have been a proud member of the PCP. I made that decision so long ago and yet I am constantly reminded why I took that decision- to fight for equality for all citizens of the eUK, regardless of status, race, gender, age, wealth, experience, or the changes of V2. Now more than ever the PCP's programme of communes represent a fantastic opportunity to alleviate the burden that the capitalist system constitutes on the proletariat. A steady wage in the form of food as well as the security of a guaranteed job, topped off with the knowledge that you are not contributing to some capitalist fatcat's coinpurse, make the Communes a must for new players struggling with the low minimum wage and economic criss currently facing eRep. Click here to read more about the communes.

Vote Sfeir Jahangir Zsharri for Congress!