Six reasons why you should vote Litro for East Midlands

Day 642, 09:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Litro
#6: Boring political reasons.

My political beliefs are simple and succinct.

I understand that the eUK is not an economically attractive country. It does not have the highest wages (because of a lack of high resource), nor does it have battles every day. But we have something else: we have a large number of players who speak the same language, who are intelligent, and who are willing to participate. This is our "high" resource. Government policy should aim towards keeping people in the game, giving them a satisfying gaming environment (such as inviting people to join the forums: or the army: This can be done by lowered taxes, increased friendliness to new players, and spending government money towards helping people play the game properly (like gifting).

The Radical Freethinkers Alliance gives me the resources and space necessary to enact these ideas.

I am rooting for all newer and lower level players, and will support policies that help them, and stand against policies that only serve the elite.

Feel free to PM me and I will answer you as soon as possible if you have doubts about my policy and want to question me further before giving your vote.

Here are some OTHER reasons why you should vote for me.

#5: Litro has superb Paint skills.

Behold the ambient chairoscuro obtruding from this .jpg file! Its subtle yet ample lighting compared with striating lines that strew across the landscape stress the clairvoyant neo-anti-Euclidean-pro-modernism its author, that is, me, embraces!

Don't stare at it for too long though; you may accidentally reach nirvana and forget to vote for me.

Let's contrast this with the Paint skills of some eUK prime minister who was voted in for this very reason.

What is this? Kumnaa, urgh!

#4: Litro loves babies.

The baby only seems to be crying because I stole it from its mother just to get a camera shot of me kissing the baby. My apparent... deterministic forward-thinking attitude is irrelevant to the fact that I love the baby. Also irrelevant is the fact that I have sharp edges and accidentally killed the baby. But it's not dead yet in this shot, is it? That's what's important.

#3: Litro's dad was prime minister, and that's why he should be prime minister too.

Here's photographic evidence of me and my dad at (in? on?) 10 Downing Street.

That's a beard. Next person to call it whiskers will be executed for treason. By public hanging. If you'd like to see public hangings - as I'm sure you do - vote for me!

#2: Litro is a true eBrit.

Just as former American President Bush entered the White House by embracing false American stereotypes (e.g. being stupid, enjoying fornication with nukes), I will attempt to enter the House of Commons by embracing false British stereotypes. Ergo,

This clearly demonstrates why I like tea and crumpets.

#1: Litro has a long ePeen.

I've made over 2000 spammy posts in the eRepublik forums, and what better way to measure one's ePeen than post count?

I may be flouting with one of the eRepublik laws here (particularly due to the size and width of that thing), but that just shows how much I want your support!


And now, a return to boring seriousness.

Kindly view the other East Midlands candidates' presentations in order to make a fully informed decision.

Radical Freethinkers Alliance -
Wills111 -

United Kingdom Reform Party -
Offa -
Clare Dempsey -

The Unity Party -
busynurse1510 -
Mr Woldy -

The People's Communist Party -
Steeeev -
Zontinho Wobwana -

The British Empire Party -
wingfield -


Let this be a lesson to those of you who ran for congress but didn't get in. Now you know what's REALLY important.