Sir Graystar runs for Congress Re-Election

Day 487, 14:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Graystar
Hello citizens of the South East. Once again I would like to announce that I am running for congress in the South East, after a very successful month helping to run the South East during this tumultuous time around the eRepublik world.

This last month the council finally got up and running properly, with your congressmen and a few other fantastic volunteers that have helped us out. I hope that this will continue next month, with more council initiatives set up, and more work done by the council in an effort to help the region prosper.

Another thing that has been set up this month by the council is the South East Support Clinic, set up by the congressmen out of their own money to gift hard working citizens with low wellness. I put my 5 GOLD towards the support clinic and any spare money I have had during the month. I am committed to this region and I want it to be healthy and to prosper. If I am elected next moth then I would once again contribute any spare money I have to either the Support Clinic or the South East Council Organisation.

Right, that’s enough about last month. Let’s talk about what I want to do in the South East next month:

I want to start congressmen apprenticeships. This is in a way a continuation of the scheme that got citizen volunteers involved in the council. I want to find up and coming citizens who want to be congressmen in the future and get them involved in the running of the region now, so they find out what being a congressman would be like. They would get apprenticeship roles within the council structure, and would aid and learn from the current congressman.

One of the most important functions of a more experienced citizen in eRepublik is to welcome new citizens and make sure they know what they are doing. Last month I started sending welcoming messages to the new citizens of the South East. However, with other congressional and political duties this becomes a strain on just one person. I want to designate one eager and experienced South East citizen the role of welcoming new members, directing them to the forums and making sure they know exactly what to do in eRepublik.

Finally, I’d just like to run over my credentials. I play an active role on the forums, especially the Unity Party forum, the House of Commons and South East Regional Forum (a big shout out to my South East buddies who have done so well with the region this past month). My voting record in the House of Commons is excellent, and I will never neglect that duty to represent the South East. I have been a congressman before and I know what it’s all about: you have to be committed and dedicated to the cause.

So in conclusion, vote for me, SIR GRAYSTAR, on the 25th of March. I promise that I will be an active and eager representative of the people of the South East.

PS. Please read the Unity Party manifesto also. It’s a cracker!