Sins of Our eFathers, Blood of Our eSons... [USA]

Day 616, 13:31 Published in USA USA by Sam Brusca

As our seemingly imminent doom draws near, many are starting to look back at the policies and decisions made by leaders past and try to figure out why and where we all went wrong. For hindsight is always 20-20...

The problem seems to stem from eRepublik itself. It's a game, however at the same time it's not a game. People should, and do, treat this like a game, you shouldn't bring RL politics and biases in here because in reality they don't matter. You can ally yourself with anyone, anywhere, anytime, for whatever reason. The object is to win the game. The object is to be the best and strongest citizen/country/alliance out there. However, these are people playing the game, and people hold grudges, people don't forget. They remember what you did, even if it wasn't you who did it. They find something, anything to latch onto and to rally around, because that's what humans do.

That's what's going on right now. Today's war is a culmination of the sins of our eFathers. The men and women who put together ATLANTIS, the leaders who attacked Russia and France, the people who supported a Romanian empire, the BETA's who did god knows what to the rest of the eworld... The rest of the world still remembers them, and we are paying for it. They don't remember who the president was. They don't care which senators voted in favor of those measures. They chose to forget the names of famous Generals. But what they do remember is America. And now we are bearing their burden.

There was a very interesting article written by a Hungarian about the same thing,,
and in it they describe how the current alliances and wars of today are just a natural reaction of what preceded them, and they are right. But one thing they did not mention is that the cycle never dies. America and her allies will probably fall, were losing, broke, outmanned, and outmanuvered. But this is not the end. The citizens who are just joining and will soon join, the leaders of six months from now, will remember what happened, and will adapt better political and military tactics to combat those who hurt them. And then it will be PEACE's predecessors who will have to pay the price for there mistakes.

So for now, let the Jacobis and Richard Harrisons and Scrabmans of the world fall by the wayside as we lose all that we have. Our government is inefficient and burdensome anyways. The best leaders we will have are soon to come, they will rise out of the ashes of our fallen nation and lead us back to familiar glory over those who have bested us now. And don't forget one thing PEACE... we won't forget.