Silly Walks for Servians

Day 916, 18:54 Published in USA USA by St Krems

Citizens of the eUS,

You have been lied to. For nearly a month the executive branch has drawn a thin veneer of political competency and good leadership over their activities to blind you. We have attempted to dazzle you with foreign policy and to draw your gaze with military victories. Know that this was merely slight of hand.

Known only to a select few the Ministry of Silly Walks has been working practically non-stop since its inception by President Harrison Richardson to develop a walk so incredibly silly as to allow the user free passage to Lion King.

Now some of you will be feeling deceived and this is understandable. However, you must understand, we couldn't tell you or the Russians would find out. To those of you who say the Cold War is over, I say I never saw a peace agreement. As this information is now considered public it is only fair we release the new, recently declassified version of our nation's budget.

Now I urge all citizens to sign up to receive the benefits of this research in this thread in the form of free guns to hit Lion King. Follow DoD orders, buy as high quality weapons as you can afford, and don't hold back. Let's kick Serbia out of China!

tl;dr Free Guns Here