Shinsengumi updates [Now with even more updates]

Day 1,244, 22:28 Published in Japan USA by Vincent Garibaldi
Shinsengumi Updates

Distribution Changes:
Unfortunately, eRepublik has not proved to be a game that allows for much long term planning lately. With the upcoming economic changes, we will be forced to change a few things. Because my ability to subsidize funding for the Shinsengumi will be greatly reduced, these changes are necessary to assure continued and uninterrupted operation. Tonight will be the last distribution of a full 300 wellness for every soldier.

Starting tomorrow distribution will follow these rules:
1. The basic daily ration will be a workers Productivity divided by 25 rounded up (Productivity/25). E.g. A soldier with a productivity of 580 will get 24 pieces of Q5 food a day, and a soldier with a productivity of 451 will receive 19 pieces of Q5 food per day.
2. In addition, for every 5 units of raw materials donated per day, 1 additional piece of Q5 food will be distributed, up to the total of 30 per day. For every 50 Raw Materials donated after that, 1 Q5 weapon will be donated. (UPDATE: This is a lie see below)
3. Any of the new Raw Materials is acceptable. (UPDATE: This is a lie see below)
4. A maximum of 30 Q5 food and 1 Q5 weapon will be distributed per day.

With these changes, the Shinsengumi should be (just about) self sustaining. At the very least the subsidies involved should be small enough to not pose a threat to continued operations and my own wallet. Furthermore, it should allow even a work skill 6 member get 300 wellness a day, provided they have at least 1 RM company of any type, and work at 90+ wellness everyday. Even without that, no current member should receive less than 19 Q5 food a day. I hope to be able to raise it in the future once the economic situation becomes clearer, and hopefully stabilizes, I can't make any promises though.

I wish the changes weren't necessary but they are. If there is any confusion about what this means, or you have any questions in general, don't hesitate to let me know.

It has been brought to my attention that you can't donate raw materials from person to person. Honestly, I should have known that. Uh, damn. I guess what I can do is this though. RMs cost about .5 JPY each right? So I guess I could sell the extra food to members for 2.5 JPY each. Would that work?

We're still recruiting. If you have a minimum of work skill level 6, are affiliated with Japan (Citizenship or residence), and want to fight more, you are welcome to join.

You will be required to work in a Shinsengumi company for 0.8 JPY a day. In return you will get supplied every day you work, according to the formulas outlined above.

To join simply PM me.
Click here to PM Vincent Garibaldi.

Political Party:
I successfully won the PP elections for the Awesome Smiley Party. As luck would have it though, the elections still haven't been confirmed (despite my having been the only candidate.) It should be renamed "Shinsengumi", just as soon as the admins fix the issue. (Which is a worldwide one, if you weren't aware.) All members are encouraged to join, though it's not required if you're a member of some other party.

UPDATE:Got the party. Here it is: Shinsengumi

Military Unit:
I've been asked about forming a military unit quite a bit. I've come around to the idea as well. To that end, I'll start one once I have the gold. Hopefully within the next several days, not more than a week. If you'd like to contribute to the cost, and speed up our acquisition, donate some cash (Gold or whatever currency) to my org Coldwell Banker. I'm afraid all you'll get is a thank you and an ataboy (or atagirl) though. Once we have an MU, every member will be expected to join, for communication purposes if nothing else.

I was asked to make an irc channel by a few members, so I did. It's #Shinsengumi
Have at it, it might be a little dead, but you might as well idle thee if you're on irc anyway.

Battle Orders:
I'm going to start posting Daily Battle orders as soon as we get the MU setup. I'll let you know beforehand though.

Vote and Shout! Sub too while you're at it!
If you have any questions, just ask.