SHIELD USA: We Are Here!

Day 867, 16:43 Published in USA Japan by SHIELD HQ

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Just under three weeks ago, we launched SHIELD HQ, the Official Militia of the Brolliance. The Brolliance is the special relationship shared by Canada and the United States. Recently, Ireland and Japan have agreed in principle to join SHIELD by organizing themselves in new ways. It has been an exciting run which has seen over 1000 gold in assets be donated to the cause. Each company donor of a Company Q3 or higher is a SHIELD Centurion. They are responsible for maintaining productivity for a combined SHIELD driven goal. At this time, there are two Legions in the United States.

SHIELD Libertas Imperium Legion

SHIELD Beta Rho Omega Chapter

In Canada,

SHIELD Felix Legion

The US SHIELD Forces are led by Armandez

Canadian SHIELD Forces are led by Addy Lawrence

The Ireland SHIELD Forces are being organized by Ibhoy.

If you would like to join SHIELD HQ, then contact one of those fine citizens above and they will sort you out just right. Citizens with Q2 or higher companies which may be mothballed are also invited to join SHIELD. You will be a Commander of all workers in your company and will lead them on the battlefields of V2! Get your own SHIELD Org and access to the fastest growing militia!

Remember to to register on the Official Brolliance Forums - now home to American, Canadian, Australian, Irish and Japanese Brothers in Arms!

There are over 220 of us in 15 days!

If you want to help out, then send any donations to the SHIELD HQ Organization! Every bit helps to bring us closer to where we have to be for V2!

We intend on hitting the ground running for V2!

Tyler F Durden
Supreme Commander of SHIELD Forces
SHIELD Co-Founder

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