Seisan for Congress in Limpopo!!!

Day 825, 12:01 Published in South Africa South Africa by Seisan

Greetings once more eSA! I am writing this article because I plan on running for Congress in Limpopo for a third term! Now, admittedly, I was not active as I should have been last term as I had some RL issues to sort out. For that, I apologize. Now, however, these issues have been sorted out and I am ready to be an active Congress member this term.

This term we have seen quite a bit on infighting amongst various government officials resulting in a few of them leaving. In my opinion, this is not how representatives in the government should act. If you have an issue, then seek to resolve it; don't just pack your bags and run away. I can assure you all that I will never turn my back on eSA. If I feel there are problems with the current administration, I will try to resolve them in the best way possible.

As of now, we still have not liberated the rest of eSA from the hands of our oppressors. This term, I will push to have this accomplished as soon as possible. We all want a free eSA. It doesn't matter to me whether it's SOL or EDEN that helps us accomplish this goal, so long as it gets done.

I can assure you all that I am a very active player and level headed person. I will not make any brash decisions if it endangers eSA. We need cool minds and quick thinkers making the important decisions and I am just that type of person. For a brighter future, vote for Seisan this coming elections!