Second International eRepublik Meeting

Day 1,660, 14:48 Published in USA Czech Republic by Rhual

"Gathered under the same banner"

This article is a reminder for this event, what is organized and published by alpho.


Facebook page for the event :



The First International Meeting was held in Budapest. Most of you might know or heard about it and some of you actually came to the Meeting in Budapest from 19th to 21st of August 2011. The location was chosen way back in February 2011 by Gregory Gallangher and I in a pub in Szeged while we were boozing together during a Hungarian eRepublik meeting. We drank wine and a lot of brewskies and somewhere on the border of just being sober enough to talk and drunk enough to not to think straight Gregory threw out his wish of a Hungarian-Romanian meeting. We talked about it and decided at that time and place that the meeting should be held in Budapest in the summer. Later AThompson stepped in too and, together, we decided that “19th - 21st of August” will be the date. The rest is history.


|||The Final Countdown|||

We have come to the final run before the Second International eRepublik Meeting starts. The location, as already stated before, is Timisoara, Romania between 6th and 8th if July.

This article wants to be only a reminder and also will include any updates that will be made in the next 4 weeks regarding the Meeting. We have also a spreadsheet open for those who want to come to enlist.


"Symbol of Timisoara, the Orthodox Cathedral"

|||Second eRepublik International Meeting – the list|||

I can’t stress out the importance that those who want to come to Timisoara to tell me through PM or chat - Server Rizon channel #erepimeet - the date of their arrival and departure, means of transportation, number of people, the accommodation they have chosen and a mobile phone number. We need all data so that we can keep a closer eye on everyone’s wellbeing. I need to remind you that the organizers will help anyone willing to come with any information they need that involves the meeting.

We already have players who showed interest to come from countries such as Serbia, Hungary, Greece, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Poland, France, Macedonia. Some have already booked the flights and the accommodations while others are trying to clear their holliday schedule for this Meeting.


|||Who will organize the Third International eRepublik Meeting?|||

- The rule -
The next country to accommodate an International Meeting will be automatically picked if it sends the most players to the previous International Meeting. Also, those who have hosted the Meeting won't be able to host another one (Hungary or Romania). This way anyone can have a shot at getting the Third & following International Meetings to their countries.

You want the next Meeting to be held in your country? Group up with your eRep friends from your Country and Invade Timisoara in great numbers between 6th and 8th of July.


Previous article :

The Greeks are coming!


2nd International eRep Meeting

