Scorpicus stiller i kongressvalget (Nord-Norge)

Day 702, 22:16 Published in Norway Norway by Scorpicus

Xenius Scorpicus for Country President!

Hello Citizens of eNorway! My name is Xenius Scorpicus, and I am one of the BP founders and the current Party President!

I made this article to inform you, the citizens of eNorway that I will be running for the position of country president.

Why are you doing this 15 days before the election?
You might ask, why are you starting your campaign 15 days before the election? Well, the answer for that is fairly simple.

When I set out to do something, I want to do it right.

Short list of what you can expect;
- Serious army reformation (We don`t really have an army now.)
- Weekly Government meetings
- Weekly updates from the President (day to day updates if something special happens)
- Office hours for Q&A
- A very dedicated and active President
- Government to be announced in advance
- Revival of
- Promotion of #enorge @ Quakenet
- Stronger cooperation with Finland, and other EDEN nations.

What do you want me to focus on
Over the last few weeks, there have been a lot of complaints about the lack of information, the lack of orders, the lack of plans and the fact that no one seem to know what’s going on. No one seems to know what the Government is up to, if anything at all.

I can guarantee to you all, that my Government will be a visible one. And its decisions will include the congress & people’s opinions!

A shadow government, that don’t include the citizens only serve to hurt morale.. Not knowing what’s going on in your own country can be frustrating....

What I want from you;
1. If you want to participate in my Government/Campaign, send me a PM.
2. If you have any ideas on what you want me to fix, send me a PM.
3. In short, just send me a PM about anything you have on your mind. I will do my best to answer you, or at the very least look into your concerns.

Scorpicus, Binary Party & Loyalty
In these times of war, some people have started talking about giving up our country to some sort of Union.. Be it a Swedish one, or a Finnish one.

With regards to Hostile Sweden;
I would like to assure you all, that I am an EDEN loyalist till the end. And I do not see it fitting for our nation to betray our allies, by entering an unholy union with these people.

With regards to Allied Finland;
I find the lack of knowledge from some congress member’s concerning. We are already allied with Finland. Some special alliance or union with Finland on top of this alliance (EDEN), would be fairly pointless. I can however assure you that I intend to strengthen the bound between us and Finland. There is no harm in better communication between us and them, communication that is sorely lacking at the moment.

(For those wondering. The white leaf (flag), with a blue cross is Finland). 🙂

If elected I will do my best to serve this great nation! I will do my best to protect us from Lithuania, Sweden, Unionists and ONE sympathizers.

Stay Strong, Stay Loyal! We will prevail in the end.

For the leaders of the smaller parties; I am looking for your support in the election. If you support my candidacy I will find ways to include you in my Government.

And as part of my gratitude for your support, I will teach you how to run a successful party (If you want it). Maybe Norway can get a serious alternative to BP in time? 🙂