Scandinavian Wars [Day 3] - Honey, honey!

Day 917, 11:11 Published in Sweden Sweden by Maximilian
The war continued on the third day with Germany advancing towards Sweden by conquering Syddanmark. It was an expected win for Germany thanks to the 9 MPPs they have against Sweden. Sweden on the other hand didn’t have any intentions in winning that battle, since the region itself is kind of mediocre.

Sweden has also managed to sign a lot of new MPPs that disappeared during the region swapping on the first day. Romania, USA and Spain are once again an official ally of Sweden and if Germany have any plans whatsoever to attack Sweden it will probably be in a war with more than one front. A likely situation is that Germany attacks from the south, Russia from the north and United Kingdom from the west. If that happens Sweden will be in grave danger and one can just hope that this kind of situation will be spotted in time so the Scandinavian governments can cooperate to defeat the intruders.

United Kingdom offered Norway a peace treaty, probably just to mock the Norwegian population as their demands was pretty ridiculous (Link here). A tip for the Brits is that you need some kind of leverage if you are going to make demands, losing a battle and then trying to claim some gold is not the way to go.

Sweden and Germany has been fighting each other as usual, which actually inspired me for today’s article header (Honey, honey!). It's pretty much a love-hate relationship between us, sometimes they have a good time and sometimes they have a bad time, just like Sweden.
The main point is that we are never ever going to get rid of Germany in the near future as some Swedes would like (total eradication of Germany), so therefore I propose that we listen to a song that symbolize our relationship:

Song: Honey, honey!

In overall there wasn't much to write today, it's been rather calm since Germany conquered Syddanmark, maybe we will see some more initiative from Sweden's side to spice up this war a little more?