Saudi Arabia, Preparations for war!

Day 1,192, 09:50 Published in Saudi Arabia Indonesia by Allies Organization

Dear fellow citizens,
What is war?
Either it is - War is a behavior pattern of organized violent conflict, typified by extreme aggression, societal disruption, and high mortality.
Or - It is something that is Deception and shows the Failure of Diplomacy.
Or it is - The fight of a Nation to gain freedom and get what they want.
Or-Our war with Israel next week?

“You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war.”
True that 😁
We arent preventing war, neither preparing for it.Wether the biggest analysts, predictors, whole countries say, War wont come, It will come, and it will come to Saudi Arabia as soon as The protection period ends.The day the protection period ends - New president elections.
Lawrence of Arabia and All Romanians, you have had a conflict with us on almost every issue, but now, in the preparations, lets work together.
Even though your cabinet is the laziest ever, you should try making a multi cabinet, Every type of position has 2 People in it.EG. 2 MoFAs, 2 MoD's etc.
What we need?
It is a failure we have only 2 MPPs.
Countries we should HAVE MPP's with -
And all the other countries who want to support and Help us 🙂
Dear country presidents of the above countries, if you are reading this, and want your respectable nation to help us, I ask you yo make a proposal for MPP 🙂
We need food stocking up now, we need weapons, we need tickets And we need gold.
Well, we do have companies,
All the owners of the companies-
Put up job offers at 2 SAR, sell the products required to pay the salaries, keep the rest stocked up.For Raw Material companies, do the step mentioned above and Sell the Raw Materials at 0.01 to the companies who have to produce the goods.(Be careful no one else buys 🙂 )
The time now isnt for Profits or losses, Its for the whole country, there are some issues which unite the whole countries, our differences separated, we live, fight, die together, and THIS is one of those issues.
3-Mental toughness
We want people who will give their all for the country.We dont want people who will give up after a week of losses.We want people who will WORK AND WORK AND WORK.
Believe me when I say : Let them oppress us, for the time when we avenge, will be sweeter.
Dear Romanians in Saudi Arabia,
Wether you have differences with us, lets unite on this issue.Even if the conflicts continue on the Political front, lets cover this Side.
A war against Israel will be proposed soon, New president, Whoever he will be, is requested to lead his country rightfully.
Dear Congressmen, propose Israel as Natural Enemy as soon as possible.
Dear Citizens, Keep your hopes up, we will not succumb.
All they that take the sword, shall perish with the sword.

Dear eIsraelis,
Remember This article of yours after the war 🙂
Thank you dear readers.

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