Saturn Reference 第四十四期:【德国】征地·打仗·分国库

Day 1,553, 21:08 Published in China China by Yurikhan

Saturn Reference-土星参考

全文翻译自E德国期刊Der Bundesanzeiger文章《[ENG-GER] Read me
[ENG-GER] Read me

Norwegian Oil

Because of an agreement between Finland and Norway, the Finish said that we had to speak with the Norwegian, else they could not let us to the North. I started a negotation with Norway too, and after the first meeting the core community discussed this issue and denied our wish. Some days later in Ostlandet, a Norwegian core region occupied by Finland a resistance war had started and a group tried to liberate it. eGermany sent mobile forces to two critical minirounds, and by the help of our help Finland could secure the region. I asked the Finish MoFA and MoD to say some good words for us to the Norwegian. A meeting was held between Germany, Finland and Norway, and I started the negotiations again. The main goal of Norway is to avoid the congressional election (it is the same situation as in Denmark). Last time when Germany occupied Sorlandet and Vestlandet we had to give up these regions when Poland NEed us, and the congress elections were almost held, so they are afraid that we will fail again. Anyway, I think before the elections defending the Danish regions will be good enough task to us. The Norwegian community would give us these regions after the election, I think we will have better oportunity for a kind of agreement with Norway after 26th of February As I said this agreement is principle for the Finish too, since they have also a living agreement with Norway...

Hungary is coming

On the other hand, there is another reason why we should forget this north-adventure for a while. As you can see in the map, eHungary started a campaing towards Western Europe. Last week I was invited to a meeting with the Hungarian Government. They tried to ask for a swap through Germany. Of course, I denied the possibility of any kind of co-operation with them. If I get valid information, Hungary will propose an NE with Switzerland and after having a border with Germany, they will declare war with us. According their first wish they wanted to reach a the Dutch border, so one of the possible goals could be to have North Rhine-Westphalia. But do not worry about it. We have an impressive MPP set, and Terra is already informed about it, so I'm pretty sure, that we could beat them if we are preparing for the war. Another information about this hopeless plan that maybe Hungary will be going without congress next month. So no matter of the success of this campaign, their goal is to avoid this situation.

Trainingwar with Denmark

After having to many problems with the trainingwar, I think we would rather close it soon. Many foreigners got use to it and there are too many vultures around the training wars, so it gets harder and harder to win the resistance wars. Complete Greece, Serbian, Hungarian, Chinese military units are fighting for the RW medals, and there were people who tanked more than 6 million for the success. The natural enemy bonus is not worth any longer for that kind of activity and resources that we must invest to this war. So I was about to close the war some days earlier than necessary. So it is an open message to the RW medal hunters: You will have no chance to get the medal here, leave us alone. Please, do not support any RW in the Dane regions and do not fight for the Dane side. We will keep all of the regions.

Economy in macro level, spending strategy, Military Units, "True Battlehero Program"
宏观经济 支出策略 军团单位 “真·战斗英雄计划”

Since I'm the president, I have proposed an MPP every day, and as far as I know the daily donation is running every day. Beside this 110k DEM spending the national tresury is growing slowly, so we have more than 110k DEM daily taxincome. Until now in this term 4257 q5 tanks have been distributed from that tank stockpile we had in the end of the last term. So we barely spent yet and we have again quite nice amount of DEM in BuBa. It's time to change it! The military units will get some donations from the state. The method how to split the money between the units is not known, we are working on it and the congress should say yes to this proposal too. I hope that we could finish it in this week. I hope also that the commanders, my MoF and the congress will be satisfied with the results. Additionaly, a new way of paying for influence called 'True Battlehero Program' is under discussion by the Bundestag. Personaly I'm against any kind of sold, but I hope the monthly grandious donation for the units (which will be spend for their own projects of the units according to the needs. It will be their decision) and the paying for the significant damages in the top prior battles will cause a better efficiency in the military power of eGermany .

Kind Regards,
Gregus Hedvik

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