Sam Kraus For Nebraska

Day 665, 14:11 Published in USA USA by Sam Kraus

I am Sam Kraus and I will be running for congress in NEBRASKA!!
I have been the Deputy Secretary for the Department of Education for the last 2 months now. Totally revamping the,8.0.html>DoE Forums. I have been helping Bill Brasky with his Mentorship Program for almost as long, shouldering as much of the load as Bill has. I know many of your favorite politicians so communication with them will be easy.I have tried to help with our Government in anyway I can. Things have gotten rough these past fews months and its been a back and forth conflict. I have been fighting with Best damn Platoon in the Mobile Infantry(The Crazy Eights , Casa Mortis!!!) ever since I met the requirements. Im not delusional and I wont promise that any one thing that I do will bring any great spectacular change. It usually doesn't work that way. To me in this game its the small contributions that count. The citizens that follow DOD orders daily. The people who pay for weapons out of their own pockets. You are the people I aim to help. With the DoE and the mentor program I have come to realize that our most valuable resource isnt Iron or grain its the new players who join. I have over 40 noobs that I'm mentoring right now and to be able to help them and have them be able to fight properly as soon as they hit level 5 or to maintain a high wellness on a regular basis is the most important thing we can do. If elected I will maintain my interest in Education of all players young and old. I have also served as the ambassador to Romania for several months maintaining our MPP with them and ensuring good relations. I also started the first>Yellow Pages Erepublik has seen. And am responsible for our first,10528.0.html>DEFCON level(even though it hasn't changed since I started it, I am hoping when this war ends I can finally show people it can serve a real purpose)

My stance on our Economy is to maintain that taxes remain at an equitable level. One where this country can once again flourish but also one where we can finance this war. Ive seen the budget and it looks good. The money that we need to fight and equip soldiers is getting to them. The businesses that were failing under a month ago are back with new strength. Wages are up and and prices are down. Things are on an up swing. But war is war sometimes budgets need to be adjusted properly. Sometimes that means citizens must step up and help out through the volunteering of donations and time. We need more mentors out there. As far as i can tell there are only 2 right now. Are theres been a lot of young players joining up. We need experience helping out inexperience.

War is hell you get that. You understand it and you revel in it. I dont need to tell you, the real Americans how god damned fun it can be though. Like I said were back and forth and back and forth. Winning battles we should win for the most part. Some things might change but then they change again. As i said before since this is basically the most important thing going on in the world right now I will always do whatever it is can to support our troops. If elected I will be requesting a spot on the military committee and hopefully better equip our civilians when they are in need. I would also like to attempt to renew an old project called WASP(Weapons Stock Piling Program).

Foreign Affairs
MPP's and lots of them. We need every ally we can get. We need dependable allies. In my 2 months as ambassador to Romania I continued our good relations and maintained our MPP with them. I will always vote for MPP's. Its a win win situation.


I recently got a new opponent in Nebraska. OKYO29 is a member of the conservative party and asks for you to vote in conservative leadership. He also asks that you be sure to know your candidates voting policies which he outlines very well in his platform. I would like to take a minute of your time to ensure that you know what mine are.

As far as taxes go. I am not for raising taxes. I am however for taxes being fair and equitable. If we are able to lower one tax by raising another and its feasible that it will help out our economy I am all for both lowering and raising taxes. Taxes are a tough subject, not quite as simple as pushing a button. but I will always try and explain why I chose to vote one way or another and I will always encourage the input of others. I am not in this alone. The buck may make a quick stop here but I am here for you and with you.

Its not as simple as some might lead you to believe. There are too many thing to factor in for someone, anyone to simply be able say "I WILL CONSTANTLY VOTE TO LOWER TAXES!!" That is such a bad idea. If we had taxes at 10% how would we fund this war? It doesn't make sense.

Guys I know what Im talking about. I work very hard at the things I do and I want to be in congress. I want to represent the American public I want to be around when we finally show PEACE the door. I WANT YOUR VOTE!!!

Thank You and God Bless the USA and almost everyone in it.

"With your bitch slap rappin and your cocaine tongue ya get nothing done"