Salute ePhillippines!

Day 917, 08:46 Published in Philippines China by Xenon Ng

[To all subscribers: This article is published in ePhilippines.]

Due to the big battle broken out in Liaoning today, eUSA returned Mindanao to ePhilippines to avoid the blocking attack from eIndonesia a few days ago. ePhilippines is now under the serious threat from eIndonesia. We’re sad to hear that your only Q5 hospital in Visayas was damaged in an earlier battle against eIndonesia.

You play a crucial role in land swapping between eChina and eUSA. Without you, eUSA can’t proceed the plan to attack Liaoning. Because of your land swapping role, it’s difficult for you to sign MPP with other allies as it would cancel the mutual MPP among us.

ePhilippines is one of our dearest friends. We would not leave you alone. eUSA and eChina can’t focus on defending ePhilippines at the moment as we’re striking hard in Liaoning. When the battle of Liaoning is over, we’re sure that you will recover your land soon with the support of your allies, including eUSA and Sol allies.

Salute ePhillippines!

I notice that I’m not the only player in eChina writing to ePhilippines to express our concern from eChina.


Xenon Ng
Minister of Foreign Affairs, eChina