S&E's Economic Report

Day 473, 18:47 Published in Canada Canada by Keneto

The S&E tracks changes in wages across eCanada and the food industry. Here are the findings for March 6th 2009.

Data is tracked by hand for all stats.
(1) Outliers (eg ridiculous wage offers) are removed, in a search of a correlation coefficient of more than 0.8.
(2) Wages are calculated by the best 10 offers.
(3) Food and Grain are tracked at the lowest sustainable offer found. This is the offer that can most reasonably last a week on the market.


Analyst's Observation
Significant drop in skill 7 wages might be fueled by growth in supply.

A break-down of the first five offers in each skill suggests continued low variance between offers (See Tracking Note 1). Among the many outliers removed, was Vektan, offering 4.5 for skill 1 in Iron. As far as Canada does not produce iron efficiently, to offer almost twice market rate is ludicrous. Consequently, Vektan is nominated the company most likely to fail in the next 30 days.


Analyst's Observation
Gains in Q3 food appear to have consolidated with a return to January pricing. With all competition in Q3 food eliminated, it seems that no Q3 companies will make the jump into Q4. On the other hand, Q2 food is suffering from over supply with two new companies entering the fold. It remains to be seen if Q1 and Q2 food can solve the oversupply problems, or if foreign competition can eradicate some of the inefficient players. Grain shows some troubling trends as many Q1 producers have disappeared from the market, leaving Q1 priced higher than Q2. With any luck, new players will enter this blossoming field.

Direct Article Link: http://www.skyfire.ca/erep/SE/SE2009-03/