S.E.E.S declares war on Alaska

Day 861, 13:50 Published in USA USA by Neal Mcwiggles

After S.E.E.Ss victory in Poland all of S.E.E.S was very happy. But then we realized how much we had drained our funds. We had to pay for Tunneling equipment for Candor, our High-tech Weapons we used in the Siege, And the mercenaries we hired. Desperate for funds I set up the NM lottery. But later I received this message from the Admin.

You have received a warning from the admin with the following message: You have received this warning for publishing a lottery article. Lotteries are now considered spam. The offending article was "The NM loterry! Win gold!"

(I had forgotten about that xD)

S.E.E.S has no choice now accept to declare war on Alaska and plunder it for funds.

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