Russian Terrorism and Indonesian support

Day 440, 03:49 Published in Romania Romania by sebahmah

As we aproach new elections everywhere on the eglobe, we are witnessing the vandalisation of an ecountry.

Norway is being pilaged by russian and iranian goons.

Many russians said that these actions are legitimate because Romania did the same to them and also they want somnething that's theirs.

Completly wrong.

Romania was at war with Russia, and at times of war everything is posible. Romania occupied the whole Russia to make MPPs obsolete. All romanian posible presidents put the liberation of atleast 1 Russian region on their plans. Also Russians never negotiated, they only demanded, and in 20 hours they started using the congress to destroy norway.

This is the so called proposal, which practically was a treaty imposible to accept for norwegians, doesn;t amtter how you put it.

Next, kir tryed to start negociations, and made a counter-proposal

But of course, russians didn't move an inch, and their response was the start of havoc.
See for yourself:

Also if you notice, they are stealing money not only to the so called Russian Treasury but other Goon Orgs like the Don Corleone Org.

Also another thing points out to the fact that what happens in Norway is a goon's move: Heymans, an ecitizen that i had many conflicts with and a sworn enemy of eRomania dispatched the truth about FRP, who only wants revange and are pushed by greed.

And to make things complete, Indonesia is supporting this terror move, with a new MPP proposal with eRussia (btw, how can you sign something with a country that doesn't exist)


FRP, is composed of impulsive, revange-driven, self-centered terrorists, that don't look after erussians. They are destroying a country, and still russia will not exist, because their only purpose is to wreck havoc and terror. They don't negociate. they are not reasonable, they are abusing a country that never did them no wrong. I understand if they atacked Romania, we deserve all their wrath, but Norway? they did it because they pick on the ones that already have problems, like the bully that kicks the old people.

Untill now, there were plenty of take-overs, some conducted by PEtrescu's team, some by Italians, some by Iranians, and even mixed squads from both ATLANTIS and PEACE.

But now, we see that terrorism is brought to a new dimension, the ehistory will makr this period with the time when countryless russian goons had an communist experiment destorying Norway's civilised community.

So to all concerned ecitizens, take care when you deal with erussians, they are lousy enemies, untrustworthy friends and have no ethics whatever they conduct. Also dear Inonesians, you are honorable and honest enemies, i respect you fully on the battlefield and ouside, but like ATLANTIS denounced eRomania when we atacked Russia, it would be fair that PEACE (an organisation that say it supports freedom and independence) should denounce terroism and goon actions.

It's a pity a bunch of goons, spoil the name of a country like eRussia.

Maybe admins will change Russia's name in eTerroristland.

Vote this up, so it gets to international level.