Russia prepares to strike Florida

Day 664, 17:16 Published in USA Australia by Aeros


Since Russia regained the initiative, the direction of their advance left little doubt as to their intentions. The hype now spamming Russian media simply confirms it. Russia plans to attack the US Capital State and super fortress of Florida either tonight or tommorow. This will trigger the largest confrontation in the history of eRepublik, and will quite literally have the future course of the war hanging in the balance.


Led by their oligarch President, the Russians are amassing the small fortune necessary to make this strike. The Russian government has demanded the unconditional surrender of the United States or else they will attack. Naturally, the demand was rejected. Remember folks, even when the US was reduced to just Florida, PEACE balked at the opportunity to attack it. Since then, the wall has only gotten stronger. As it stands, the wall in Florida stands at 1,378,200 points. The cost to attack Flordia will be around 2,300 gold. This is a sum that constitutes half of Russia’s entire GDP. After that PEACE will have to bankrupt the coffers of all member states to tank down this epic barrier. It is very unlikely this battle will end in 24 hours. PEACE will come in Tanking hard, and will drive the wall down quickly. Remember, size can also work against the defenders if it becomes harder to tank it back up to the top. The Russians “really” want this. They are using their Real Life money to make sure they have the Gold necessary to win. Considering that Florida’s wall alone accounts for 2/3’s of the Damage PEACE caused to defend California during the first Allied attack, they will need every last bit of their money to succeed here. The Battle has the potential to run on for days. Honestly, it could come down to which side can outspend the other. Since PEACE does have the monetary advantage, and the Russians seem to have no qualms about using their private funds to beat the USA, the Allied side will have to be on its toes.


Hungary will almost certainly attack Croatia again after the battle in Florida is joined.
This cannot be a repeat of Second California though, where much of EDEN’s power went to fight for the Croats when they were attacked. If Florida falls, the United States is effectively knocked out of the war until it has a chance to reorganize in another state, and that could take days. This will also not be a major thrust by the Hungarians, since they will almost certainly deploy their army to fight in Florida. This attack will be a distraction, and nothing more. The Serbs will most likely launch another piggy back attack on Slavonia like usual as well.


The Turks will most likely attack the Aegean Island, since that has become PEACE Modus Operandi for highly important battles. This time, the Greeks must not fight in the Aegean. Honestly, it would be better to give up the region and get it back later so that every available fight can go to Florida. The Aegean Islands have absolutely no strategic value outside being home Greek soil. The USA will be fighting in the face of an overwhelming Tank attack, and absolutely cannot afford to be outgunned in the inevitable over time. Every point will help keep the wall above the underground during the hours when most Americans are asleep.


We thought California would be the defining moment of this war. Unfortunately, Colombia tripped us up on the way to the victory party. Now, Florida will be our biggest defining moment too date. Defeat is of course, not an option for the USA. PEACE will continue its harassment attacks in the hope that they can spread the damage around. This time however, the Allies cannot afford the normal trophy hunting and nation first mentality that has categorized these distraction battles. Every point spent anywhere other then Florida is a point that could be the deciding vote in the future of the United States, and the Allied cause of resisting PEACE Aggression. God speed everyone, and I’ll see you on the other side.

Obligatory US Soldier battle anthem----

*Since Florida will be a major action, D.I.R may release battlefield reports as the clash progresses*