Russia and China are brothers! Stop the aggression!

Day 815, 15:37 Published in Russia Russia by Keinutnai

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(Don't forget to read all the comments! We have many comments from Russian and Chinese citizens.)


Русские и Китайци - братя на век!

Russia and China are brother nations.
We should cooperate, not fight each other!

Russia should never attack China, not in real life, not in eRepublik.

I oppose Russian invasion on China and will support Chinese resistance in all Chinese regions.

Vote and sign this petition to stop all agression against China and to improve relations.

Moscow - Beijing (soviet song)

Русский с китайцем братье вовек.
Крепнет единство народов и рас.
Плечи расправил простой человек,
С песней шагает простой человек,
Дружба навекы в сердцах у нас!
в сердцах у нас!
в сердцах у нас!

Москва - Пекин.
Москва - Пекин.
Идут, идут вперед народы.
За светлый путь, за прочный мир
Под знаменем свободы.

Newspaper article update😛

After reading countless comments I came to the following conclusion:

-1- As I see Russians hate that China helped USA
-2- and Chinese hate that Russia took over Chinese territory,

but all in all both Russians and Chinese would like to be allies if the two problems above would be solved.

Russian and Chinese presidents should SIT DOWN IMMEDIATELY
and start negotiations.
Apparently they have not contacted each other since the start of the war at all.
If people don't talk, problems will never be solved.

I have a proposal to make:

China will break its treaty with USA,
Russia will return Chinese regions to China

Russians will put aside that China helped USA
Chinese will put aside that Russia invaded China

When this happens, we will be equal partners again and can become friends and have long lasting peace treaties.

Let us do this brothers!

13:26 13 Feb
(newspaper article updated)

I have talked to both Romool, the Russian President and also to The Samurai, Chinese President as well as to bullseye_0718, Chinese minister of foreign affairs.

Chinese president, The Samurai agrees to make an alliance with Russia if Russia agrees to help China regain its territories.

Russian president, Romool is sure that this issue can be solved.

I think now would be the time to do the following in this order:
- Stop further attacks on China
- China should join Phoenix
- Russia should make a MPP treaty with China
- China should break their treaty with Romania
- Hungary should start paying a rent for the controlled region
- Chinese territory should gradually be returned to China.
- Cooperation should be improved

05:58 Feb14
(newspaper article updated)

Russia plans to give away Xinjiang and Liaoning to Hungary
All Russians should fight to defend these regions from Hungary.

We need to push harder to stop the carving up of China.

The harder we fight, the more time Russian and Chinese presidents will have
to negotiate an alliance.

If Hungary needs iron very much, they should negotiate to pay a rent with Chinese for either Heilongjiang or Liaoning. All other territories should be returned. China needs iron too!

09:00 Feb14
(newspaper article updated)

Russia should end the aggression immediately and come to peace with China.
If we continue fighting Russia, they will have no other choice than joining EDEN.

To strengthen PHOENIX, we must make China an ally.
Fighting them only brings more enemies.