Running in Missouri

Day 669, 01:15 Published in USA USA by Kerat


Some of you may know me for representing Idaho for a couple terms just before the PEACE aggression of July.

In those terms I emphasized on the following:
- Citizen Participation
- Women Participation
- Economic Growth
- Citizen Development
- Social Programs

I am proud to say that I had one of the best voting records that were being published regularly (on a weekly basis), with explanations of the reasons the proposal was up for voting, the various point of views and my own point of view.

I also kept citizens updated with upcoming proposals to discuss them before I vote.

In terms of women participation, I believe the rate of women running for congress is higher this time thanks to efforts to encourage women envolvement in politics.

As for the economics side, I have faced in congress a spur towards total liberalization of trade. I opposed it on the grounds that trade benefits in RL do not apply to eRep, and thus I preferred to let companies profit from the lack of foreign dumpting, but tax them a bit higher and use them to fund programs. Furthermore, I managed in one of the terms to reverse the trend towards liberalization of trade.

Those were the good old days before our country came under aggression shattering our economy and forcing several citizens to struggle to win enough money to buy food.

For this coming term I propose the following:

Citizen Participation:
I intend to continue updating you as much as possible of all congress debates and proposals.
I will continue posting upcoming bills for debate before voting.
I will also continue updating my voting record in my newspaper.
I intend to create a transparent participatory democracy, where your opinions will be taken into account before I actually take a stance.

Economic Development:
Creation of wealth on its own is one part of my goal, as Growth leads to higher tax revenues, which are badly needed to fund our legitimate defensive war, without crippling the economy.
Furthermore, taxation should be skillfully managed as to provide enough revenue to fight but not ot the expense of econimic growth, nor at the expense of basic citizen needs.

In short,

For a stronger country, militarily and economically,
For a country where everyone has a change and a role to play

Vote Kerat!