Running for Presidency in May

Day 2,349, 13:16 Published in Denmark Denmark by Maine Coon

First of all, I want to thank my Party President Ushlau for nominating me as the Candidate Aurora will support for the next President Election.

As you might know, running as candidate ain't exactly new to me. I have taken this seat several times before, and because of that I can offer experience for the month to come.

Like the last month, I wish for Denmark to have a peaceful period in order for people to build up. I am pretty sure most people spent a lot extra in the Spring hunt, and might need a period to build up in the storage again.

In my last month as your President, my Minister of Finance Hr. Bubbi and I put up some suggestions in forum for a remake of our welfareprogram, and the loan4upgrades.

Unfortunately we do not earn very much as Country, and in order to keep having money to run the programs we need to look at numbers and conditions. Several citizens are waiting for a spot in the WP, and with a change in numbers we might be able to take more in and still have money to spend in our military units. I would like a chance to see this reform through, as it´s very important to me that we do whatever we can to help our citizens.

It is important that we can give our trusted citizens a good pay through Welfare, but at the same time it is very important that we have money to spent on Combat orders if needed. We have seen more than once, that we needed to get rid of a couple of regions before an Elections and sadly people fight more for money today, than friendship.

My Government, if I´m elected, won't change much all though I would like to see some new faces. More about who will have what seat if I get elected.

Furthermore I have a hope that we in the coming month will get more known and trusted people to Denmark in order to help us remain in power, controlling our own country.

For the 2. month in a row, we now have a Congress of 20 members. Something that seemed impossible only ½ a year ago.

Denmark and the Government have been called elitists and paranoid about taking in new people.

But see where we ended up, we now have the chance of 20 people in Congress which is a great achievement for Denmark.

The Union we have with Germany will of course continue, as this cooperation works splendid. The Union/confederation is for the best of both Countries in my opinion, and I see no reason not to continue something that works.

I hope that every Dane are going to use their right to vote, and give the vote to the Candidate they think is most fit for the job.