Running for Party President of Res Belgica

Day 1,148, 20:19 Published in Belgium Norway by Mikhail Alexander

The official logo of Res Belgica

Hello citizens of Belgium,

I will be running for Party President of the Belgian party, Res Belgica. I know I only joined the party two days ago but I think I can offer the party my time and effort, which I luckily have under my sleeve.

I hope during my time as Party President, I can start/work on a:

Party Charter - The party currently doesn't have a party charter and they have been around for around 6 months which rather surprised me. I hope to contribute and start a draft of the charter in which members of the party can add to, to make sure it fits what the party was originally made for.

Wiki page - The party currently has a wiki page which to me needs more information as its a little out of date. I hope during my term to fix up and a little more information to the page to help get the full image for newbies or just people interested in Belgium.

Forum activity - The forums of Res Belgica are not very active at all, hopefully we will be able to open up some old sections of the forums to make it more friendly and active and hope members can check the forums a lot more often then at the moment, the only active topic is a topic about Beer...

These are some of the things I hope to achieve during my term as Party President, probably things will pop out along the way, which I can deal with, with the help of my party members if I am elected. If I'm not elected, I will continue to try and make a Party charter, Update the wiki page and make the forums more active!

Thank you for reading,

Senator for Flanders, Belgium
Minister of Immigration for Belgium
Supply Clerk of the Belgian Army in the Royal Guard