Running for Congress

Day 670, 07:53 Published in USA USA by Crash and Burn Industries

West Virginia and the eUS in General.

My name is CrashNBurn and I want you to send me to Congress again. I served the great state of Illinois in August. September life got busy for me and I was unable to commit to being as active as I wanted to be. I believe the eUS deserves active congressmen, and as I was unable to be, I stepped aside. This month I feel that I can serve our eNation well and want to represent this great state.

West Virginia is a state close to my heart. Even though I was not born in WV, I had the great opportunity of serving the people of WV for two years. I spent two years traveling around WV doing service for people and just coming to love the state in general. It is a state that truly deserves the slogan "Wild and Wonderful".

Enough about that, why you should vote for me.

I believe in our military. I currently serve as a squad leader in the TD. The Training Division is a great tool to educate new players. Education is key to the success of our nation. A more educated populace is what I feel will lead us to victory. That is why Programs like Meals on Wheels and the Welcoming Committee need not only Government support, but support from the people. These key programs help people get on the right foot when they start. All these programs play a role in the development of players and as a result the development of our nation.

Another key role in the development of players are Political Parties. I know there is some argument about this but I feel Political Parties are important, they provide an out of the exact game experience. They can be a source of camaraderie, training and education, a foot step into politics and much much more. I support Party Training Divisions as a method to educate more people. It gives those who may not want to enter the military access to similar training. Its a win win for everyone.

Anyways, I would like to take this time to thank the USWP Party for allowing me to run under their banner. I am a member of the Federalist Party but the USWP has been kind enough to give me this slot.