Running for Congress

Day 761, 03:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by JayTune95

Hello, I am JayTune95 and I am running for congress in the West Midlands again.

About Me
I have been on eRepublik for 10 and a half months now and have gained a lot of experience since then. I am currently with the British Empire Party and have been since it's creation. I am an active member of the eUK forums, with over 3500 posts, and throughout the week I am easy to contact and will answer all questions I am asked. I also am a MoW apprentice and I sit on the West Midlands council which represents you. These are some of the things I have done on erepublik:

The Conservative Revolution Party President
Created The British Empire Party
The British Empire Party Party President twice
BEP Vice Party President
BEP Shadow Chancellor
Member of the Royal Guard
British Empire Party Internal Relations Manager
British Empire Party Entertainments Director twice
Active Forum User
Newspaper Editor-The British Empire Party
Long Term BEP member, from the start
10 and a half months of eLife
3 hard worker medals
2 super soldier medals
MoW apprentice twice
Member of West Midlands Council

My Aims
The West Midlands is a good region with many active members and a welcoming atmosphere. I would like to make the council reach out to the entire region and also to increase the amount of political discussion between our congress members and other members of the West Midlands. I would also like too increase the amount of help that is given too everyone that needs it in the West Midlands by making myself available too everyone in the region for help or questions.

Here is the link for my wiki page

Yours sincerely,
BEP Congress Candidate