Running for Congress - Zontinho Wobwana

Day 641, 14:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Zontinho Wobwana

After careful consideration and research, I have decided to run for congress in East Midlands. I will explain the reasons in detail:

First of all, I am a true representation of the people - especially the working class. Unfortunately, I have no previous experience in congress, but I propose that this could be to some advantage in that I will bring in new ideas and propositions beneficial to all citizens of the UK.

Secondly, I have certain qualities which are required in this field. I have great communication skills as demonstarted in my articles in the renowned Socialist Oserver. I am also a trustworthy and loyal person and I guarantee to represent the people and destroy corruption.

Finally, my political views are clear and easily related to. I simply believe in major representation of the working class.

Thank you very much - I hpe you agree that I am a suitable candidate and vote for me on the 25th.