Running for Congress AGAIN!

Day 1,554, 12:54 Published in Canada Canada by lucifer_ultionis

I did not even get into congress that already EVERYONE thinks I'm corrupt!
So I wanna do a different campaign!

I am running for congress in West Midlands and I am proposing you to give your vote for me in exchange for the policies that I would like to implement.
AND THIS TIME, so that people won't think I'm corrupt, I won't give ANYTHING (just the transportation costs that you encounter and that you'll PM in case you want to get compensated for that)

The policies I would like to do are easy: they are based on economics 101 and I believe that if loans are given to younger and medium players then we would be able to retain a lot more players in the game and become a bigger power.

My analysis is based on marginal effects and on the theory of increasing money supply. Specifically, since we have a Plato-bot that buys raw materials on the market, we need to adjust our actions accordingly.

I still remain open to help new and medium players and those that have benefited from my zero interest loans can give you a reference. (I case you wanna know more about me.. cause I can say WHATEVER about me, it's other people you should ask if you would like to get a realistic reference)

Good luck to everyone, including those who spoil me with filth for the reason that: I think that when someone votes for you you have to compensate both: their implicit and explicit costs (especially if they cannot afford to travel much). Young people in this game have mostly been exploited by bigger players (if you remember the times when TANKS were in vogue... but that's a long story). Now that I'm becoming a medium-big player, I don't wanna be the one exploiting others, because I didn't like it when I got exploited when I was small (so why do it on others?)

I would like to give the new players the chance to be able to make their own little gold so that they could TRAIn constantly 0.19 gold per day and then with time switch to 0.19+1.79 train.

And that's it! I'll repeat it again: IF and ONLY IF YOU AGREE with policies i want to promote then you should vote for me AND I would appreciate if you would explain why you decided to vote for me (or not).

Is this a better PR than my previous article???

i just got a pm asking me what will I do with the 5 gold I will receive if I get elected! First of all I don't think this is right (to get gold for being elected) because this motivates people to run for the gold and as it is the case in Canada, some congressmen simply disappear after that. In my opinion the gold should be donated to the State budget. If frankly I think the gold should be distributed to the voters who do their effort to vote for you, BUT again there will be people who will interpret it as corruption because some people might be enticed to vote for me and they otherwise wouldn't! So the money should go into the State Budget!