Round 1: Fight!

Day 1,291, 05:28 Published in USA USA by Mr. Peanuts

I was inspired to write a newspaper for several reasons one of the ones that actually got me to write something was this American Idol contest.

The Original American Idol Article
Say that 10 times fast...

Anyway, round 1 has started. There's an article in the same newspaper to say that round one has started. That article lists my competitors. It was exciting to check out their newspapers. Some of them, I've seen before, some of them I'm just meeting for the first time. I must say, all are quite good, and I recommend subscribing to ALL of their papers. Do it. Do it now! Actually, do it after you are finished reading my article, as I will post links to their papers at the end of my article. Despite my title, I am excited and humbled to be able to compete with these people, and more importantly support all good media in eRepublik.

Woo, that was longer than I thought it would be. Let's take a break.

Well rested?

The first round consists of the topic of who should be the next president of the eUSA. And immediately I was a lot like this guy...

The face says it all...

I'm pretty new to eRepublik in the grand scheme of things, and eRepublik history and politics are not quite my forte right now. So how do I figure this question out?

I'm not sure why this phrase is on the side of a unicorn, but it kinda fits with what I'm trying to say. More on unicorns later!

I decided to check out the eUSA forums! Specifically the West Wing!

And under the "randum" it looks like there is a capital 'D' looking at some massive cleavage or something. I think that's what that is...

DID NOT HELP... Okay time for eRepublik Wiki! That ought to set things straight.

From the looks of it, here are 7 things that the president does:

-Creates the New Citizen Message
-Buys Construction
-Trade Embargo
-Declares Natural Enemy
-Forms Alliances (MPP)
-Declares War!
-Proposes Peace!

That's dumbing it down a bit because they have to know a lot about many of the other countries for most of those things. From what I'm seeing here, it looks like being aware of what other countries are doing and what their stances are is pretty important. Obviously being aware of and knowing about the bigger alliances (TERRA, EDEN, ONE, etc.) would be important to being a president.

I can't tell you who possesses the qualities of a successful president, but I can tell you what I think is necessary. A good grasp of foreign policy, and what other countries are doing. A good grasp of how the people of the eUSA feel about foreign policy and what the other countries are doing (after all, we elect the President to represent us), some degree of eloquence (for brokering peace, talking with the people, and the new citizen message to encourage new players to stick around).

Anyway, I hope you learned something. I certainly did. Sorry, I'm going to cut it out before getting to the unicorns again, I'll save that for another issue.

Mr. Peanuts

P. to the S.

Here is the list of all of the other awesome writers in the contest. Like I said, subscribe to ALL of them! 🙂

WWW; Newspaper -- Josh Whitehead
The Welsh Returns -- Jason Welsh
Spectacluar Times -- Phoenix Quinn
Daniel's News -- Daniel Roman4
16 Shells -- Gnilraps
The Army Times -- George Armstrong Custer
PIRATES -- xRoWx Triggers
As G as it Gets -- Alexander_Auctoritas
The Peanuts Gallery -- Haha snuck my own in here...

A Status Quo Exile -- Civil Anarchy
Click that one fo sho fools 😁😁


Mr. Peanuts