Romanian official position regarding Hungary

Day 451, 07:01 Published in Hungary Romania by dsalageanu

Dear citizens of Romania,
Dear citizens of Hungary,
Dear citizens of the international community,

I wish to express the formal opinion of the Romanian administration upon the recent development of the Romanian - Hungarian relations.

Romania does not consider Hungary as a short or medium term military target. My administration has completely other priorities and our most important goal in relation to Hungary is to secure peace with this nation.

Upon serious talks with the Hungarian president in the last days, I have forwarded the following proposal, that I honestly believe is a "win-win" agreement:

1. Romania and Hungary shall sign a "white" peace (1 Gold)

2. Romania will start a RW in Southern Great Plain (initiated by the Romanian President) and will liberate the region for it to be kept by Hungary.

3. Romania recognizes Hungary's right to TRY to liberate any original regions under Romanian occupation and will NOT use disproportionate response on such attempts. This means that Romania would restrain from using ANY other response against a RW initiated by Hungary other than fighting against the respective RW with the tools provided by the eRepublik war module.

4. Hungary has the right to do any other moves on Romania allowed by the game (political takeovers or other type of aggressions), but in this case Romania reserves the right of proportional response, even if this may escalate into an all-out confrontation.

5. All elements will be enforced by the presidents of Romania and Hungary, no intervention of the Admins or any further penalties are imposed on each side.

The respective proposal was rejected by the Hungarian president today.

In this respect, I will make it a personal goal to try to persuade the Hungarian Congress and the public opinion about the feasibility of our proposal, as we think it offers fair benefits for both sides:
- It would give Hungary immediate access to its High Grain region, which is an important factor in respect to the demographic challenge.
- It would give Hungary direct access to our resource regions and contribute to the sustainable development of their nation.
- It would grant a safe environment for Hungary to start RW's without triggering a disproportionate response of our military and the opportunity to grow in a sustainable manner, both economic and military.
- It WOULD NOT, by any means, restrict the possibility of Hungary to pursuit its ambition of fully restoring their territory.

There will be, nevertheless, no further concessions made in addition to the current proposal.

We want the international community to understand that we are open to any sort of diplomatic solution that can imply a win-win result for all parties involved. We consider our proposal open-minded and fair, due to the fact that it offers a lot of opportunities to the Hungarian nation on short term AND leaves the door open for them to pursuit their goals of full restoration of their country's integrity.

We also want the international community to understand that unilateral actions against our country are not the solution to achieve any kind of goals. Such actions will trigger a disproportionate response from Romania. This is not a principle directed against Hungary, but the very foundation upon which our national security is built and there are no exceptions in this regard.

If we are faced with a direct threat, from any other nation of the New World, we will respond with the aim of creating significantly more disadvantage to the respective nation than the potential benefits which the respective nation might have from the aggressive acts against our country. This would be treated as a strategic objective, and would be carried out regardless of the costs, sacrifices or resources invested.

I sincerely hope that an agreement with Hungary is still possible and I am hoping that the Hungarian decision makers will see how much we can win together, rather than how much we can damage each other.

President of Romania