Romania vs Indonesia

Day 469, 22:06 Published in USA USA by Revshawn

This is it guys. It's the final showdown.

About 14 hours ago, the rumor about war between Romania and Indonesia finally reached a climax with the declaration of war.

It's going to get pretty nasty over there, two of the largest empires in Erepublic going head to head against each other. The war server will definitely crash, there is no doubt about that. The question is how long this is going to go on and how much of each others land the other is going to take?

Both of these empires are clearly too big to take out all in one sweep. It's going to take many battles to finally decide the victor, and chances are that it's going to go left and right a whole lot before a victor is finally decided.

If total annihilation is their goals, then there is one thing for certain. Whomever comes out ahead of this war will be the most powerful nation in the world. Sit down a second and let that sink in. The most powerful nation in the world of eRepublic. Wow. World domination isn't just a dream anymore. If they play their cards right and no one gets in the way, they actually have the personnel to do it.

Coming into the first battle tomorrow, what do we as a world need to do? I vote that we watch these two nations fight with each other. When one nation gains the upper hand, we should declare a MPP with them and help them fight back against their aggressors. If one nation gains total and complete victory, the whole world will suffer the consequences.