Romania vs Hungary: Canada's official position.

Day 283, 07:30 Published in Canada Canada by Adam Sutler

My fellow Canadians,

Once again we are faced with a new situation, one which affects not only eCanada, but all of her allies. As many of you know, Romania declared war upon Hungary today, and now these states are engaged in a violent conflict for Hungary's very survival. eCanada's old M.A. allies, of which Hungary is included, are poised to defend the small kingdom from the romanian invasion; while the USA, Britain, Spain and Romania of the ATLANTIS accord are participating in the invasion itself.

While neutrality may seem the best option for eCanada, one must consider the ramifications of neutrality upon all countries involved. I myself remember my profound disappointment when Ireland and the United Kingdom chose to remain neutral when eCanada was facing off against the United States in the war of Nave's Toe. The question is not whether or not Canada can remain neutral in this war; but whether or not eCanada can knowingly abandon one of our allies? Cabinet discussions have not provided much consensus on the issue; and thus it is time for decisive action, and strong leadership. I will thus make our position on this war perfectly clear.

We will protect eHungary; BUT the Canadian Armed Forces are now under strict orders as to their conduct.

1. The Canadian Armed Forces and any Mercenaries employed by eCanada are free to defend whatever territories they wish within the nation of eHungary; but are strictly forbidden to assist in the invasion of Romanian lands. eCanada: you are expected to defend, but never attack in this war.

If any eCanadian is seen to be joining an assault upon Romanian territory, they will be completely blacklisted from the reciept of government services. That means if they are currently recieving training from a Government company, they will be fired. If they are injured, they will not recieve treatment from the Ministry of Health. If they need weaponry, they will not recieve CAD from the Minsitry of Defence

2. This is not act of war, but a PEACEKEEPING OPERATION. Our defense of eHungary is in no way to be percieved as an act of war upon Romania; nor does it reflect our opinion of the Romanian people or their government. We still see eSpain, eRomania, eUSA, and eUK as some of our staunchest and closest allies. Like the great Canadian peacekeepers of old, our position is to maintain the Status Quo, not expand Hungarian territory, or denounce our friends. To this effect, should defending forces begin to successfully press into Romanian territory, the Special Operations unit of the Canadian Rangers; as well as the Mercenary Alucard Bloodlust will be deployed to eRomania to aid in THEIR defense.

This is an opportunity to test the War Module and the strength of MPP systems in eRepublik; or put more simply: an opportunity to rack up some clean kills, and have a lot of fun on both sides.

Until the next time, God Keep our Land Glorious and Free, and as always;

England Prevails!