Romania successful, Pakistan attacks

Day 1,055, 05:17 Published in South Africa South Africa by Bobady zoo

Another few days, another set of wars. With the new alliances rules firmly in place, we have seen a surge in wars with many old battles renewed and key regions lost. While it’s clear most countries cannot continue with the relentless attacking with the costs soaring, the larger nations are likely to still have enough in the bag to continue their assaults though we will see a drop off in numbers as countries run dry.

Romania takes Podolia, Hungary on the defense

The last few days have seen key Romanian successes on the battlefield with Hungary loosing all but one of their colonial regions, with their entire eastern colony enveloped by the Romanians. First Romania took the Moldovan region of Northern Basarabia, a regions which they had being trying to take for a long time as it was the gateway to Podolia. Next they took another Hungarian controlled Moldovan region, taking the region of Transnistria though the region had little importance to both nations other than given Hungary another region near Podolia. But this was all in preparation for the big battle for the High Iron region of Podolia.

Romania had being lusting over the region for many months after battling with Hungary for it. This Ukrainian region is one of the few High Iron regions in Europe and the only on accessible from Central Europe. Ukraine are a new Phoenix nation who were granted membership not long after handing Podolia to the Hungarians. Romania had needed Northern Basarabia in order to attack Podolia as they had no border with the high Iron region. Once it had being conquered, the battle was on with both sides investing heavily in the battle. It was a close battle with the result in doubt for much of the time it was open but in the end, Eden proved too strong for Phoenix, taking this crucial region.

This could prove a very heavy defeat for Phoenix especially after loosing the Serbian stronghold of Lioaning as well as one of the Russian high Iron regions. This puts Eden 8-3 up in the number of high Iron regions, putting Phoenix on the back foot in terms of weapons production especially with Russia loosing their high titanium regions with their only titanium coming from PTOed countries who are likely to produce less than required. This was a major blow to Phoenix, one they will need to recover from with plenty more war to be had in that region. And their fight back took shape with a resistance war opening in Podolia which is being hotly contested. Phoenix will hope to get the region back to Ukraine though it would take a massive effort to get the region back in the hands of Hungary as it would likely need them to go through Romania.

And one of the reasons why it is unlikely they will be able to do that is because they are currently under attack on the home front. Romania was able to take the Hungarian original region of Southern Great Plain in a bloody battle which saw many soldiers participate. Serbia however hit back at this by attacking the Hungarian region, taking it 8-5 in a closely contested battle. Croatia then try to take the Serbian controlled region, though their attempt was unsuccessful and Serbia are in the process of Resistance Waring the region back to Hungary. Serbia has now taken the offence, attacking the Romanian region of Crisana however at the time of publishing the battle was not even close with Romania one away from victory. However the major attack was by Hungary on the Croatian region of Slavonia which is the Croatia’s only high region. This is also looking to be very one sided with Croatia close to victory. These battles have however diverted some damage away from the RW in Podolia though it is unlikely the Croatian Mobiles ill stay at home.

Pakistan invades India

Sometimes real life mimics the game and this is the perfect example. India and Pakistan have had a tense relationship ever since the nations were granted independence. The tensions over the region of Kashmir has resulted in many wars. Like wise India and Pakistan in the game have often fought each over with Pakistan recently ridding themselves of India control. They have now gone on the attack, gobbling up key regions and pushing India back. In only three days, they have being able to take seven of India’s original regions, not loosing a single battle. India attempted to hit back however their attempts were futile, with Pakistan easily fending off their attacks. This War has shown a key new tactic brought in by the new alliance laws. Normally you would think that with both nations containing Hungarian alliances, they would not attack each other however Pakistan used the new law to remove India’s Hungarian alliance as they were the attacker. This tactic has helped Pakistan continue their advances with India in serious trouble. To make things worse, the Indias who take a stance of neutrality, have declared war with the USA and this may cause the Americans to also invade them simply because of their chutzpa as Jews would say. This could put them in serious trouble with no allies and 2 of the largest nations in the erep world close to their high Iron region, this could be the next big battle for Iron, one to replace the losses Phoenix incurred recently.

Greece looks to wipe Turkey

One of the major battles that was started because of the new laws was the renewing of the Turkey-Greece war. With many Greeks leaving due to what they call a ethnic insult following the naming of the Macedonian country, the Republic of Macedonia rather then what they wanted, FYROM. This is likely to give a reason for the Greeks to stay and has come at the exact right time for the ailing country. This has being very successful with the Greeks taking all but 2 of Turkey’s regions. Turkey are now under a very real threat of being wiped off the map. Bulgaria entered the battle attacking Thrace and Macedonia in order to give some relief to their Turkish allies. However the battles haven’t being successful and Turkey are still very much on the defense. This could be a big loss to Phoenix with Slovenia also under threat from Croatia.

As always there are tons of battles I couldn’t cover so here is a short summery of the important ones I missed. A set of resistance wars have being opened in the Serbian Asian colonies with the hope to to divert damage and maybe remove Serbian influence in Asia. Lithuania is slowly but surely reclaiming their lands by opening resistance wars daily. So far they have gotten two of their regions back. After getting back all their regions, Australia has lost Western Australia though they are still under a heavy PTO with their successful election of a new president outweighed by Indonesia’s control of congress.

If I have made any mistakes, please mention. If you have any wars you want to see covered in detail, say so.

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