Roleplayin/Real Playin, Let's Discuss

Day 1,116, 12:05 Published in USA USA by Vincent Nolan

And you guys call me a role player....

I never ever want to hear that used as an insult for the rest of my e-life.
eAmerica is full of role-players now!


I'm trying to follow the whole revolution, counter revolution, counter counter revolution, counter counter the counter revolution, chill out we're just having a fake revolution, and what the hell is going on here with all this revolution, and re-educating the masses, etc....

Despite which faction you claim to be a part of, or wherever your true loyalites may lie (for all you double agents out there), I would just like to say that, while this is interesting, and I have participated as have everyone else, there comes a time for us to start talking about some real issues. Don't freak out, we can do both.


For intance....

The transformation of eRepublik into a crappy version of risk, or should I say the continuation of transforming eRepublik into a crappy version of risk

ever tried to hold Central America and North America without Greenland and a trade in? Its fricken impossible, just sayin (wink)

As if the new resources module wasn't enough to create a brand spankin new eWorld War, we now have a little doozy known as Natural Enemies.

what he said

For those of you that may not know, natural enemies is the newest Admin concauction that is designed to throw our eWorld into a constant state of war, as if it wasn't already.

While fighting in wars and strategizing and such can be fun, I can say that I believe eRepublik is beginning to become a little too lopsided. After all, war costs gold, and gold costs money...

burn baby burn!

Natural enemies will allow a country to declare another country their natural enemy and automatically declare war for free, yes, for free.
For a more details go here
this will give you the low down.

I would just like to say that I am not a fan, and think that it is going a little too far. I can see how this can be used strategically, but I can also see how this can completely ruin the game. Think about it, the agressor will get a 10% war bonus. If you already have a natural enemy, and someone else decides to make you their natural enemy, if timed right, you will be stuck for about a week trying to defend against a country with a 10% advantage over you, while defending against the country you were already at war with in the first place.
Then you are.....

do I need to sound it out for you?

This will also greatly disadvantage smaller less populated countries and make it virtually impossible to defend againt larger nations. While you war mongers out there have reason to rejoice, I wouldn't do so just yet, because once the little guys are out of the way, there is going to have to be somebody else to point that big ole war machine toward. There's always a bigger fish, unless your Turkey.

an actual turkey, not to be confused with the eSuper Power

I'm not even going to go into the whole exploitation of hate and predjudice bit. I'm not even going to go into the whole Admin's suck and should die routine as some have, and been censored for.

What I will say is that free war is scary, from a certain viewpoint, and isn't everyone tired of playing a game that is CONSTANTLY IN FLUX?

How do you win a game in which the rules are constantly changing? That being said, how do you win a game in which the game itself is constantly changing? Some can say that is what makes eRepublik interesting, I say this is what makes eRepublik so hair pulling fricken frustrating. I am tired of the changes. It's not even a few changes every once and awhile. It is like all the fricken time.
How can we optimize our economy when the module changes every few weeks?
How can we organize for war more efficiantly when the way you fight and even the weapons used are constantly changed?

enough already!

Vote and shout if your tired of all the fricken changes
Let's see some changes for the better