Roger Griswald for Congress in Alberta - Let's Keep this Party Going!

Day 1,403, 14:38 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Let’s keep this party going

I, Roger Griswald, am re-running for Congress in Alberta with the Egalitarian Party of Independent Canadians aka EPIC. As a three-term Congress member I have served the people of Alberta and Canada to the best of my abilities. Over the last term, I had the privilege of serving as military advisor and Minister of Defense along with my roles in foreign affairs, as a liaison to our allies.

The last month was one of growth for eCanada, we negotiated resource bonuses and launched wars with Japan and the United Kingdom that provided opportunities for ranking up to our soldiers and also a lot of fun. As the primary architect in our successful campaign to capture London; I coordinated the distribution of tanks and food to keep us ahead and eventually win the battle. That battle was one of the most fun events of my elife and I was happy to fight along side our citizens.

The month ahead will be an interesting one for eCanada, I will work to acquire new resource bonuses to replace those lost in our conquest of London, which should be done in short order. With improved economic production, eCanada will be able to continue to advance its military operations and defend our native regions from attack.

Under the stewardship of the Congress eCanada’s financial situation is incredibly healthy, with millions of CAD in surplus funds to use over the next term if needed. I pledge to fight for increased social spending in the form of improvements to the young player and construction programs (which provide much needed support to the expansion or acquisition of players land) and will work to significantly increase Military Unit funding.

The changes my fellow EPIC candidates and myself would like to see in our government will strengthen our community, military and government. Join me in these goals by re-electing Roger Griswald for Congress in Alberta on September 25th.

For more information about EPIC, visit our forums or join us on our open IRC.

Roger Griswald
Current/Former positions:
Minister of Defense | Minister of Information | Military Advisor| Player Support Coordinator - NCAP
PEI and Ontario Congress Member | eCanadian Ambassador to the eUK and eSouth Korea | EDEN Media Writer
President ~ EPIC & Socialist Party of eCanada | Vice President ~ Canadian Paradox Party | Colonel and Chief of Public Relations & Recruitment and XO of the Infantry Branch - Canadian Armed Forces