Rocket Factory Survey - Results

Day 1,690, 07:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
As you will have seen the admins have implemented a feature that allows all players to create a rocket factory. This means that players can build one rocket daily out of a number of Q1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 weapons. I wanted to know what players think of this new feature so I created a survey. 286 people took part from all over the globe and today I am publishing the results.

I asked the questions:

'What 'Q' rocket factory do you have?'


'Do you like this new feature?'


I have put all the results from the survey into a table on a google spreadsheet.

I have colour coded the amount of results in each box so the frequency of responses can be viewed more easily.

Red represents the negative responses. Yellow the okays, and green the positive responses. The colours vary depending on the frequency of response; the more responses the darker the colour.

I have also converted this information into chart format:

Rocket Factory Survey (1 week on)

I want to know if thoughts on this feature have changed, and I have created a poll with a simple yes/no question. Please take the time to answer the poll here. I will publish the result of this soon, so subscribe to this newspaper so you don't miss it and vote for this article too! If you didn't receive food for taking part in the survey, send me (Max Blue) a private message and I will send it asap.

Shout this for greater reach:

Rocket Factory Survey - Results: