Robb for congress [EDIT]

Day 576, 09:41 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Right well after last months pathetic show from myself registering only ONE vote (and it weren't me that voted i didn't realise i couldn't vote for myself) I've decided to run again.
My polcies this elections series will be

1) Goverment intervention in the Grain Market as outlined by Lewis in his article earlier this week.

2) A detialed look into the dealings of an ex-colluege on mine (Icey) and the threat posed by his PTO.

3) More of a Community spirit in eOz and better education programs for younger players and those who are 'out of the loop' like myself. With more use of the mentor programme we already have in place (or if we don't have one then we need one. I vaugly recall one under Patti not sure if it was continued) Rather than just gifting we should have older experianced players helping those who feel they need help, either monetary wise (not giving them money but showing them how best to earn it to create a self sufficent community) advice or just for guidence on certian areas of this complicated game. This should be a volentary system which people volenteer for with a small wage being paid to the advice givers.

4) The final full stop end to the constant flamming wars (which seem to have died down a bit now)
As i beleive these constant wars continue to drag our community into infighting and a growing sense of disunity and mistrust. We have been far too flip-floppy with this, I think it's time we got hard on these constant attacks and counter-attacks and the goverment should hand out fines when people over step the lines.

Robb 🙂