Robalbinio's Guide to War

Day 798, 12:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Robalbinio

So you have just joined the game and are thinking what do I do, where do I go this game is so big and there are so many options, so much to do.
Well today I will focus on my favourite side of the game, the military and war. It is a great way to begin and get a footing in the erepublik community.

Training increases your strength and is essential as it affects the base amount of damage you do in battle, I would personally recommend training everyday.

To Train, select Training Grounds from the My Places Tab.

Then Select the Training Programme you wish to use, if you are new to the game I would recommend just Standard Training only, as you can save your gold for something more useful like a house.

And that is training done with, it’s that simple. Now on to the art of fighting

Step 2) Fighting

Fighting is you putting damage on the battlefield against the enemy and is very simple

The damage you do on the field is affected by a number of factors.
1. Wellness(So keep it a high as possible, If at a 100 wellness do not fight more than the Q of the hospital in the region you are in. If you are under a 100 wellness fight only so many times that after healing you will stand at 100. Move to Q5 hospital regions for more effective fighting)
2. Strength (Gained via training as explained above)
3. Rank (As you do more damage on the battlefield your rank will increase, giving you a damage bonus)
4. Q of the weapon (The higher quality weapon you have, the more damage you do. Note: One weapon will be removed from your inventory every time you fight)
The Battle Screen

The battle page is where the fighting takes place to get there you go via the same route as training

My Places-> Training Grounds
And if you have already trained that day, you will get this page appearing

Click the ‘Battles you can fight in’ button and you will be taken to a screen that shows the current battles your nation is fighting

Click on the battle you wish to fight in or where official orders say to, after clicking this you will be taken to the main battle page

Click the blue button ‘Fight’ to fight

And you will be taken to the after fight screen, this shows you the amount of damage you did, what factors causes it, your remaining wellness and the ‘Fight again’ Button.
Fight till you are down to 50 wellness in a Q5 region, 60 in a Q4 region etc then do not fight again until the next erepublik day.

Return to the main battle screen and you will see the hospital button under the battle timer, click this and it will take you to the region screen
Click ‘Heal’ next to the hospital icon and your wellness will be restored by 10 for every Q of the hospital. I repeat do not fight again till the next day

Step 3) Joining the Military

The eUK has a large and professional military that is great for new players to get stuck into.
Anyone can join the Royal Navy that aside from being a fighting force is a large and vibrant community that will get you set on the right track.

To apply simply log in here with your erepublik user name and password and click apply
A Navy officer will quickly process your application
Once in the Navy you will be asked to move to a Royal Navy company, in exchange for working here you will be provided with weapons and moving tickets to defend the eUK and its allies around the globe.

Yours, Robalbinio