RIP: Plugson, A National Treasure

Day 872, 16:47 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

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Plugson Is No More.

The Police Escort for the Plugson funeral procession.

One of eCanada's Finest Press Directors has passed on.
His Newspaper, The Shameless Plug had only 315 subscribers but we ALL read his work and LOVED it. A proud member of the WGC, his legacy will live on forever in this fine Institution.
Feel free to click on his Newspaper link and Subscribe to his Newspaper!

The Hearse which carries his bits and bytes.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Plugson IS a National Treasure.
I remember when Ontario fell to the French invaders. Plugson PM'd me saying that was it, he was quitting the game.

He was "Shuffling off this immortal coil of fibre optics and trading it in for the foul and pestilent vapours of the real world."

He sent me 1070 CAD, a Q2 House and some gold. I told him I would not accept it unless he stayed playing and came with me to Spain to continue the fight against France. He agreed. With the wealth he bestowed upon me I purchased a company in Spain and began filling it up with Canadian refugees. Plugson was there, as he always was for me.

The Russian Mob, carrying his bits n bytes to their final
resting ground, in accordance with his Final Will and Testament.

His last words were: "Midnight has come at last. “To understand the living, you got to commune with the dead” – Minerva "

His last wish was for you to watch this:

Click it

o7 Plugson

He was a peach

P.S. - There is a 'revive' button