Riddle16 For Delaware!!!

Day 668, 15:13 Published in USA USA by RIddle16
Good Day to all.

As for the past 3 months the United States of America has been facing its greatest challenge. We had been invaded by PEACE and had been struggling to maintain our hold on our own regions. I know that it is hard to talk about politics as of now but it must be done in order for us to maintain balance in this war. That is why I had come to you today to ask for your support once again, I am running for candidacy in the great state of Idaho and would appreciate your votes to go my way I had been in the military all my elife and I for one think that we need more military minded people in congress. Why vote for me? Here is a brief resume and what I have done for our country as of now.

Name: RIddle16
In-Game Rank: General
In-Game Strength: 9.96
Party: USWP

- 1 time US Senator

- Former Airborne 82nd 3rd Platoon Soldier

- Former Company Commander 3rd Company TD

- Former XO 4th Platoon TD

- US Airforce Airman

- eNova Mentor

- Pony Express Member

- Graduate of the Mentorship Program

- Editor of Patriots Beacon

Biography and achievements.

I am a born and have grown right here in the good old USA both in real life and in eRepublik. During my early days here in eRepublik I tried my best to do what I can for this country and try to do it well. Thus upon reaching the required level of me being able to join a party. I joined up with a great party known as the USWP for the simple reasons that a lot of their members are my first efriends and have helped me a lot during my first few days and as well as we shared pretty much the same ideals. After a while, I enlisted to join the military as to this is what I really had my sights on. Thus I joined in the NG.

During this time I spent my days under the care of Lt General Angelini who was my CO before. But when she was promoted as the next XO of NG I was promoted up to XO of the 4th platoon in NG. There I knew how to deal with different kinds of people day on and day out. But after around 3 weeks of serving as an XO I was again promoted to Company Commander of the 3rd Company and was given the rank of Captain. There I was in charge of managing 5 platoons. Finally I made my way towards AB the second most elite branch of the military in eUSA, but after a month there I am forced to move out due to the reasons that I had been in congress last month. There I helped propose for the National Reservist Program a program that would hopefully unclog TD and try to return it to a more fully functional division, also proposing for a more self sufficient military by having them own their own weapons company to use for the war (If you have any questions about this proposals you can message me I will gladly answer you). I consider my self to be one of the active senators during my stay in congress participating in every way possible. I answer questions sent to me by normal citizens and I try to get their requests heard as long as they are valid and true. Thus you may say that I am going to represent the average joe in congress.


As stated Above I was a former XO, Former Company Commander in the NG and a former AB soldier thus I support the US military 100% and have served in it from my the start of my eLife until now. I know how it feels like to be the lowest of the low and I know how it feels like to have responsibility as well. Both are as equally as hard and both are as equally important to us all.


As every good Congressman would like to promise to let everyone see what their representative has voted for, so do I. I believe that everyone has the right to know what their elected official is going to do and what he has done in his term. With this I give you my promise that I would give you updates on what I have done in congress and may as well be providing info on what I am to do provided I would be allowed to do so.


This is what I will be offering to everyone and that is what you would get. I am a straight forward man and would like to go straight into the thick of things. I had pretty much been exposed to our current situation and I would like to say that I know what you and I are experiencing and thus I believe that this will also be one of the reasons why you should vote for me. I am not one of those beta giants nor am I one of those who have great connections in high places. I am just your Average Joe looking to make a change in our society on the basis of how the average Joe lives.

This again is Captain Riddle16 and I am looking forward to represent Maine in Congress.

Thoughts about the current war

The Current war is being seen as the greatest obstacle and as well as proving grounds for us eUS citizens. On my part I fully support the government and will give my all to ensure the freedom of our people from the Rule of PEACE. With each single citizen we must unite under one banner to eliminate this threat. I am a military minded person and I promise to bring my thoughts into congress but as well as try to promote harmony amongst us all.