Rhode Island, my NEW home

Day 670, 07:05 Published in USA USA by Kyle Galli

Hello Fellow eCitizens,

Today, I have to announce that the state in which I shall be running for Congress has changed. I will be running in the great state of Rhode Island this coming election, due to the fall of Arkansas. But I still view this chance as a great honor, given to me by the UIP, which I really think that WE can succeed at. So now, I want to introduce myself to those who don’t know me; I’ve served 1.5 terms as the Party President of the Democratic Party, I’ve served 1 term as the Vice President of the Democratic Party, and finally, just recently I was unexpectedly put on the ballot for the Presidency where I placed third with 92 votes.

But that’s only my political record. In Real Life, I am a Moderate Democrat, living in New England. Right now, I am a volunteer for Martha Coakley’s Campaign for the Senate, and I also serve on my school’s student council. My forté in school is History, and Foreign Languages (Right now I am taking both French and Latin). Below are my ePolicies, and I truly hope that you agree with them.

Taxes are a huge discussion on eRepublik, but I say why change them? Right now we are able to fund many new programs for the country, such as Meals on Wheels, and we're also working to continue funding the Military. Obviously, this is essential for the current offensive that is going on within the United States.

Government Transparency is essential to running a Country. The PEOPLE need to know exactly what is going on with many of the issues facing the country. You give me the chance to represent you, and you deserve to know exactly how I am going to vote and why I am going to vote that way.. That is why I plan to have all of my votes in a place where ALL Arkansas eCitizens will be able to see (via my Newspaper, the Galli Review).

Foreign Policy
The eUnited States is currently in a reconstruction state. We are working to get our states back and one by one, we will do it, but we will need the assistance of our MPP’s. I believe that without their help, we would not have been able to get the many states that we have taken back in the recent days and weeks. And they will be crucial in our defense of this country.

I am a staunch supporter of the Military. We MUST support the funding of our military forces. With the recent addition of many programs to the roster of available tools that the Department of Defense has used successfully to combat our enemies, the need for support and funding for these programs has never been more apparent. As your congressman I will work to make sure they never lack for the support and funding they need to continue keeping this country safe and free. Without these great men and women, this country would NOT have a majority of our states back; they are great, and deserve to be funded by congress.

Right now we have some great programs running in this country. At the top of the list, we have the Meals on Wheel, which is a great program for the new members of the eUnited States, and we have the mentor program. Both of these programs are GREAT and need to be continued.

With the current war, the country is going to need to reconstruct itself. That is why I am in huge favor of introducing Defense Systems, and Hospitals, but we can’t go in and start putting Q5 Hospitals and Defense systems in every state. If elected I will propose that we, as a collective group, select 2 or 3 states to put both a Q5 Hospital and Defense System.

My next topic that I will be addressing is Bipartisanship. I feel that, with the current erepublik system of Government, no bill can pass the Congress without some kind of bipartisanship. I promise to you, that I will try to work with my fellow senators on all legislation; there is no guarantee that I will always agree with them, but I am always for compromises.

Now as I close, I ask that you all vote for me. I promise that I will be a very active, and dedicated member of Congress. I look forward to representing all of you!

Thank you,
Kyle Galli
Rhode Island Congressional Candidate (UIP)
Former Democratic Party President (1.5 Terms)