RGR: It's time to step away from the podium.

Day 1,985, 12:53 Published in USA USA by Catri Athena

Hi there everyone. 🙂

I'm still fairly new at this game, so I'm going to try not to bore you with a lot of political rhetoric. Instead. I think it's time for one of the Presidential candidate to give it up.

I'm talking about the infamous Ronald " Gipper" Reagan, or RGR. He's either really persistent or delusional. I'm not exactly sure which.

I started this game shortly before the last Presidential election. I received a message from him asking for my vote. We chatted for a bit, as I had some questions about why he should get my vote. Just like most politicians, he gave me some generalities and not really any actual plans. I don't know. Maybe I'm wierd, but I would like to know some specifics about what he wants to do.

I've been reading all the other candidates' newsletters, and they seem to have their cabinets already planned out, and they give reasons as to why they chose the people they did. RGR gives some fluff about how he doesn't have one picked yet, but says if you're interested in a position to let him know.

In this eworld, where everything changes quickly, why wouldn't you have a set Cabinet BEFORE announcing your campaign. The voters want to know who is going to be running the country. They don't want surprises. They want people with experience and a good track record. They don't want someone who could potentially screw things up, and cause even further problems further down the line, when they are no longer in office.

I've read over his latest newsletter, and I still have some of the same questions as last month. He wants to create a new alliance, the New Roman Empire Alliance, but he doesn't explain why. Well, he kind of does, but the reason is pretty lame. He wants to create an alliance because " The current alliances are quite boring to role-play, so I will try something new and interesting." That's great that he wants to try something new and interesting, but why would anyone want to join this new alliance? What does it really offer any nation? What are the benefits? How would this affect the current political climate? I want more detailed information.

I'm also kind of confused about his military policy. Why do we need mercenary units? Who are these " numerous well respected and powerful units who will be able to provide a tremendous boost to our military efforts?" Who will they be under? Will they take orders directly from the Department of Defense or will they only take orders from the President? What if they turn on us? What happens then? What are the consequences?

As for his domestic policy, he says the Department of Homeland Security will be retooled " to target the true threats to our country, Pfeifferist loyalists who will go to ANY and ALL measures to cling to power and continue to run our nation through the ground." I'm new here, so I'm not sure who the "Pfeifferist loyalists" are or why they are SUCH a huge threat to our country.

Why is he targeting this one particular group? Are they domestic terrorists or something? Are they going to try to overthrow the country? Are they going to sell our souls to Canada if we don't elect RGR? Are there no other " true threats to our country?" Surely I'm not the only one that has to be wondering these things.

I'm not exactly sure why he wants immigration to be decentralized. What are the pros and cons of this issue? Why is this issue singled out in his newsletter? What is so important about immigration over any other domestic issue? Again, I want details.

Maybe I'm just picky, but like I said previously, I want details on things. For someone who told me he's ran for President, for the last four years, you would think that he'd have all these policies fleshed out a bit more.

Also, he's kind of whiny. While we were chatting, I told him to have a great day, because that's what I do. 😛 Below, you'll find his response. I don't know about you, reader, but if you are told to have a great day, you don't whine because you aren't getting the shiny toy you've wanted for so long.

Sadly, he is no longer talking to me. I was upfront about him and let him know that I was friends with Jude. I shared the above message with Jude, and RGR got a tad upset and told me that " we are done".

Of course, I'm going to tell Jude. It was rather funny. I'm sorry, but if you try for four years, to become President, and you fail each and every time, it's time to take the hint that no one wants you to rule the country.

So, RGR, from this newbie, please take the hint and stop trying. All this is doing is making you look desperate and no one wants a desperate man as President.