Revista presei din Ungaria

Day 591, 09:31 Published in Romania Romania by leandros

Azi a fost o zi mai activa in presa din Ungaria, si cred ca acest articol merita neaparat citit de cat mai multi.

Primul articol pe care vi-l recomand face referire la eSerbia si il gasiti aici:

Acesta vorbeste despre un posibil baby boom care va urma in urma unui interviu care va fi difuzat la televiziunea nationala din Serbia de 3 ori cu presedintele actual, Lipec. Un trailer al interviului il puteti urmari aici:

Comentariile mele: Daca acea televiziune e intr-adevar televizunea nationala, si avand in vedere ca sarbii au un puternic nationalism, eu cred ca acest baby boom poate fi o realitate. Si in acest caz multe se pot schimba o regiune. Un ochi trebuie tinut si pe situatia din eSerbia.

Al doilea articol este de fapt despre o unealta dezvoltata de catre Longfellow, una foarte utila si interesanta. Daca dati click aici: (inlocuiti leandros cu numele vostru din joc) si veti vedea pentru cine ati luptat pana acum si in ce proportii.

Unealta aceasta poate fi folosita cu succes de armata, sau de diferite unitati in momentul in care se impart arme sau bilete (pentru a verifica daca cineva este intr-adevar roman).

Multumiri lui Longfellow pentru acest lucru. Articolul original il gasiti aici:

Al treilea articol este un pamflet despre rolul Romaniei asupra Ungariei. Ce anume cred persoanele importante despre rolul Romaniei. Il voi posta mai jos, cu o mica legenda:

Feherlo – fostul presedinte al Ungariei
Quicksilver – fosta presedinta
Tilde – Toth Tamas, primul FM al Ungariei
Kampec – fost MoD, probabil viitor presedinte, strategist
Zoli – cine nu il cunoaste?
Marginaldefeat – TO-ist
Shaok – actualul presedinte
Huba – politician si bun economist (desi s-ar putea spune mai mult despre el)
Locassen - militar

Mai jos aveti copia articolului in engleza de aici: cu acordul autorului. In caz ca va place acordati un vot.

Totally secret eHungarian hideout, not too long ago

Feherlo: - We must drive the Romanians back from our country! And after it, we must fight them in Russia, and Ukraine!

Quicksilver: - But no need for that, we could be friends and live happily!

Feherlo: - No, we can not! What have the Romanians ever done for us? They just occupied our regions!

Tilde: - Well, our baby boom is mostly their accomplishment, not ours. Credit where it's due. Who would have ever registered to this bug-game if we didn't face total annihilation that time?

Feherlo: - Well okay, the baby boom was obviously their doing. But aside from that, what did they give us?

Kampec: - Army organization. We could only become the New World's number one superpower by fighting against them. Heck, can you even imagine where would our millitary be currently if all we had to do was to was to beat a counrty like eNorway?

Marginaldefeat: - Take-overs! If it wasn't for Victor Petrescu, the Matzas, and the eRMDP we probably could't have learned to do a proper TO. I don't think we could even to eAustria without all the training they gave us.

Feherlo: - Yeah, sure. Military and electiorial organization ,no doubt about that. But aside from the baby boom, the army and the take-overs, what the Romanians have ever done for us?

Zoli: - Don't forget propaganda! Without the constant spamming of our media, we would be reading only the top five news. Misguiding links to wars, and the demonization propaganda in foregin media, they tought us everything we know about spamming and propaganda!

Feherlo: -Right I'll grant you the propaganda and media hacking, that the Romanians have tought us. But aside from the baby boom, the army, take-overs, spamming, and propaganda, what did the Romanians give us?

Shaok: - Well, if it wasn't for the constant struggle against them, our ecomomy would be in a pretty bad shape! Could you imagine how high the weapon prices would be without all these battles? Also, we had to develop an economy which is not too vulnerable for constant monetary attacks.

Huba: -Yeah, and our high productivity regions, the Urals and the Caucasus, we received those from Romania!

Locassen: - And cohesion! Our Hedgehog was inspired by their Matza. Without that all we would be doing would be in-fighting!

Feherlo: -Riiiiiight, but aside from the baby boom, the army, take-overs, spamming, propaganda, strong economy, monetary tricks, Urals, and North Caucasus, the Hedgehog, and cohesion, what have the Romanians ever done for us?

Quicksilver: - They could have brought peace...

Feherlo: - Oh, shuddup!

Sa ne auzim cu bine intr-un articol viitor!
