Revenue Canada Compromised

Day 1,156, 13:22 Published in Canada Canada by Ministry of Education Canada

Over the last few weeks the Government of eCanada has suffered a number of blows from individuals masquerading a servants of the public, all the while harbouring intentions to disgrace the highest offices of our eNation by stealing directly from our community and the joint resources we allocate towards advancing our society: eCanada.

Our community has shown its strength by uniting against the selfish acts of those who perpetrated these thefts and through the current interim government and Congress we have quickly restored stability and had planned to resume transfers of funding for military spending to ensure that our citizens were able to not only protect eCanada’s interest, but to ensure that citizens have the necessary funding to advance themselves in the game.

Last night, following the success of a motion before Congress to print CAD to be transferred to the Canadian Armed Forces(CAF) and The Crimson Order(TCO), Minister of Finance Etemenanki attempted to log into the Revenue Canada org to initiate the transfer to the CAF and TCO. However, Etemenanki found that he was unable to log into the org, which came as a surprise to the Minister as he had only just reset the password and e-mail address for the org. What troubled Etemenanki most, was that the transfer that had just been authorised was not showing up in the org.’s account.

Minister Etemenanki immediately sent a PM to Country President (CP) Aeriala pointing out the issue and inquiring if the passwords had been changed by him. Aeriala confirmed that he was also unable to log into the org and that the password reset option didn’t seem to be working.

Aeriala made contact with the Admin via IRC and also via a ticket to regain access to the org. The ticket has been responded to by the Admin and Aeriala has been advised that access to the org will be reestablished, however additional research will be taken by the admin as to the missing CAD. While it is still too early to determine whether the Revenue Canada org was hacked and the funds stolen; there is currently no evidence that the funds authorised in the transfer even materialised in the Revenue Canada accounts, and as such this issue may have simply been related to bug in the game that locked down the org.

The Government will continue to work with the Admin to restore access to the Revenue Canada org and recover the missing funds.

Contributed by: Roger Griswald.