Resistance Tactics for American's stranded in Portugal:

Day 639, 12:22 Published in Portugal USA by cam's companies

It looks like PEACE is going to conquer the U.S.A... Good for them. Remember, this is NOT where we are best off. We are more powerful than Portugal or Russia. So when and if the rest of our states fall, move to either a Q5 hospital in PORTUGAL OR RUSSIA. DO NOT STAY IN THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES, AS YOU WILL MAKE STARTING A RESISTANCE WAR MORE EXPENSIVE. I REPEAT: DO NOT STAY IN OCCUPIED TERRITORY WHEN THE LAST STATE FALLS.

Once you have moved into the Q5 in Russia or Portugal, take a job, but don't work yet.

When the first RW starts, fight in it. Then work. Then heal. DO NOT WORK BEFORE FIGHTING OR AFTER HEALING AFTER THE LAST STATE FALLS. If we work AFTER FIGHTING BUT BEFORE HEALING, we will produce FAR less for our enemies, but still get the same wages.

If you have an org, move it to an allied country, and donate the currency you gain to this org. Sell it on the monetary market, and buy the allied currency. This will WEAKEN the currency of the occupying country, and STRENGTHEN the currency of the allied country. Buy food in this allied country, as well as any weapons, then donate the remainder to a Resistance Org. Send the food and weapons back to your character.

This was Economic Warfare for the resistance 101 with Cam's Companies, Cam94509's org. Note that this org will be moving from Peru to Greece when the last state falls.

Edit: These tactics are a variation upon the tactics we used during the liberation of Greece. There are a couple of other tactics that are applicable, but those really only make sense for groups. If anyone leading a resistance group wants me to explain these tactics to them, I will (PM me), but there is no sense in showing my hand to individuals on these, as they can't be used by individuals, and PEACE could stop them if they knew what to expect.