Resignation as Party President. [ArjaaAine]

Day 645, 14:17 Published in India India by ArjaaAine

All this bickering...

I am tired already... I think both parties are wrong and I don't want to be the president of IU because i know my views will just make me more enemies among my friend.

My forum post

Read my post here, as all my opinions are there..

I don't want to seem like a chicken. I was a chicken not to quit, but Jelly gave me strength to quit.
Thanks buddy.
People are dragging petty fights into politics. and making a mountain out of every mole hill.

I don't want erep to take up my thinking time outside erep.
I don't like to everyone fight and I am not the person who likes to be involved in fights which I don't think are right.

I will still give my heart and blood to eIndia.. defend it, cause I love it.

Politics I am out... cause I know it is in capable hands, just I don't agree with the fights they r having.

If I ever feel eIndia's is going on path to destruction, I will come back in.
As for now, I am a columnist and an enterprenuer.

Would Like to extend my thanks to David, Shail and Maverick10.

they r the ones, I kept in touch with.. they will lead eIndia to great heights.

Take care everyone