RE: The Justin Bieber Challenge

Day 1,295, 11:34 Published in Canada Canada by Wally Cleaver

The Minister of Justin Beiber, Sperry, released an article outlining the The Justin Bieber Challenge where he asked citizens to "let Canada know why you are a player we want to see stick around." My response has become far too long to post in the comments. As such, I will release my answer as an article.

No matter what happens, I put the good of the country before everything. Every decision that I have made in my short eLife has been based solely on what is best for our country. Whether it was supporting Muglack last month, leaving CPP and going to MDP, or even supporting Rolo this month, it was all done after very careful consideration of all options.

I have yet to act in a way that is simply for 'lulz'. I do not fault anyone who has done this. I recognize that many people have spent around 2-3 years dedicating their time and effort to creating the great country that we have now. And many have perhaps become bored with the status quo. Yes, it is great, even despite the divisions that exist within it now.

It is moments such as this one that make you consider why you have spent some much effort in this game. I joined eRepublik 3 months ago, looking to "Change the world and rewrite history!" I expected that it would be easy to "Become your country president". Since then, I have learned that while those statements may be true, it is not something that happens immediately or even easily. I do want to change to the course of our nation. But it is not as simple as the Admin would have you believe.

I have learned of many terrible and many great things have happened in our history. The course of our nation has been directed by the actions of a few. Whether it was the thefts by Rolo or Wes Lewis, or the loss of TFD, we have always been a nation that idolizes our heroes and has an intense hatred for the villains.

The actions of the few do indeed determine the actions and attitudes of the many. To paraphrase possible the best movie of all time (Gladiator):

Gracchus: I think he knows what Canada is. Canada is the mob. Conjure magic for them and they'll be distracted. Take away their freedom and still they'll roar. The beating heart of Canada is not the marble of the Congress, it's the sand of the coliseum.