Re-Elect Offficial RFA Candidate Candyman82!!

Day 641, 08:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by candyman82

Hello London, it's hard to believe it has been a full month since I was first elected to congress. A lot has happened, but you already know that so I think we can move on. In this month, with Dish's and Jerry's retirement, we've begun to see some of the beta giants step off leaving space for the new people to have their say in this game. And let me stress that again. GAME. Erepublik is no fun unless every player has at least some say in the running of their country. Therefor, if reelected, I am announcing my new policy of Direct Representation. Everytime that a new bill comes forth to congress, any citizen of London can pm me with what they believe is the route that I should take. After a period of time, I will vote whatever way that the people of London wish for me to vote, regardless of how my party wishes for me to go. I am here for everyone, from the Level 3 newb to the Level 21 tank. I am candyman82, and London, I hope you make the same great decision that you did last month and re-elect me.