Re-elect Derek Harland for Congress in Newfoundland and Labrador

Day 548, 19:05 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

Hello all, yes it is that time of the month again. In four days people all across eCanada will be voting their favourite congressmen into office in each of their respective regions. Last elections I ran in the Canadian Paradox Party because Mr. Tom Hagen was kind enough to let me run in his party. I am a member of the Democratic Action League but they aren't currently in the top 5 parties so that means I am not allowed to participate in the congress elections if I were to stay in DAL. This month, a new man was kind and wise enough to allow the Great Derek Harland to run in the congress elections. That great and honourable man is Mr. Trenton Rendell, the president of the Canadian Social Democrats party.

Today, I don't want to bore you with speeches or anything else that will make you fall asleep on your desk and get burned to death by your light. I am just going to make things simple. Last election I made a promise to myself that if I were elected into congress I would accomplish three goals.

1. Lower import rates
2. Push for more wars in eCanada
3. Incorporate newer members into political scene and help them.

I have done a good job in accomplishing every single goal, even if not directly obvious. I recently wrote an article giving a self-evaluation on my performance and here is a quick rundown on how I have fared on accomplishing each of my goals:

Number 1: There hasn't been one tax proposal to my memory in which the import taxes were raised. Goal #1: Accomplished.

Number 2: There were a plentiful of wars in eCanada this past month and there were also a lot of MPPs activated as well. Goal #2: Accomplished.

Number 3: I have been one of the main orchestrators of the DAL charity which has helped many new members get started in the game and have funding to purchase everyday necessities. I have also done my best to keep people informed with what is happening in congress while staying in the confidentiality rules. Goal #3: Accomplished.

I have done my best to make eCanada a better place and if re-elected on May 25, 2009 I will promise you that I will do everything in my power to keep with my philosophies and do my best to help whoever needs it, whenever they need it.

Make the smart and knowledgeable choice, VOTE DEREK HARLAND FOR CONGRESS IN NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR on May 25, 2009!

This is Derek Harland signing off.